27. A bit empty ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's officially Christmas break and I can't say I'm all too excited

Previous Christmas's were so fun with dad and Remus and I was excited to have Tonks with us but I don't feel the best anymore

Since I got home from hogwarts, I've been spending most of my time in dads room, looking through all the little bits and bobs he had

When the weasleys came over, Molly gave me a sad look before pulling me into a hug, comforting me which helped me a bit

I mean I don't know anyone besides Harry whos lost both their parents but we both have Remus and Molly and Arthur with us which is good

As soon as Fred got news about what happened, he had sorted out a day to come visit which is what I needed

I think he said he was coming today or tomorrow, I'm not sure

I'm currently in my room with Ginny and Hermione who are looking through some random things in a box I found

I'm laying on my bed going through a baby photo album I found in dads room

The memories of my younger self and how dad looks so different and mum was in some of the photos too

A few tears slip out of my eyes as I come across a photo of dad and I, it was taken when he came to visit and we were in hogsmeade

Hermione finds some sweets from hogsmeade and asks if she could have that, I allow her before she leaves probably going to Ron and Harry

Ginny comes over to sit with me, glancing at some of the photos

"You look so young in that one oh my god" she says pointing to the photo of mum, dad and I when I was only 2 or 3 I think

I laugh a bit at the memories, my heart swelling at I remember the days of my childhood

Tears slowly start to prick my ears and Ginny notices

She pulls me into a hug, comforting me as she says "Y/n you are probably one of the strongest people I've met, instead of staying up here cooped up in your bedroom, you're letting people in, you're allowing to help you and that's something I look up to you for. Fred chose a good one and I swear on merlin if he doesn't marry you, I'll force it out of him" She says making me laugh

"Thank you Ginny, I appreciate it" I say moving out of the hug

She smiles at me before saying she's going to check up on when lunch will be ready

I lay back down on my bed, hugging one of the many stuffed animals I've received from dad as I slowly drift off to sleep


Remus's pov: surprise 😛
It's been hard on everyone since Sirius passed, especially Y/n but it's understandable I mean she lost her last parental figure and watched him pass right in front of her eyes

Padfoot was my best friend growing up and to see him go, it tore a chunk of my heart out

I'm in the kitchen with Tonks, Arthur and Molly whos cooking up some lunch as we discuss what to do with the Order

"I say at least a few weeks off for you Remus to stay with Y/n, you're her closest relative and she needs you at this time" Moody says before he continues to talk

After the meeting was over, I excused myself and headed to Y/n's room where I see her passed out hugging a black dog toy she got from Sirius

'Padfoot' was what she named it when she was 4, saying it reminded her of Sirius when he was in his animagus form

I go over to her and kiss her on the forehead before moving the covers up more to keep her warm

I head back down to see the twins had arrived

They're having a quick greeting session when Fred comes up to me

"How is she?" He asks referring to y/n

"She's doing okay I guess, she stays in her room most of the time or she's in Sirius's room but I think she needs you with her right now" I say giving him a comforting look

"Can I go up?" He asks before I nod, allowing him to

'Sirius why'd you have to leave' I think to myself


Fred's pov:
After hearing about the news of Sirius's death, I immediately went to George trying to figure out a day where we could go visit for a bit

I hated not being there with her, not being able to comfort her but I knew she had Remus but still, I did miss her

As for the shop, business is going extremely well. Most of the customers are hogwarts students but hey, I'm not complaining

George and I are packing a few things since we leave for 12 Grimmauld place today. We've locked up the shop and closed the blinds, turning everything off before we apparate

We apparate to the front entrance and I immediately get engulfed into a hug by mum, then seeing the others

I spot Remus and have a few words with him before I go up to y/n's room

I knock and hear a soft "come in" before I enter, seeing her sitting up on her bed

I don't say anything as I walk up to her, pulling her up and embracing her in a comforting hug

I rest my chin on her head as I run my hands through her hair

I feel a few teardrops on my shoulder, moving so I can see her face as I wipe the tears away

I kiss her forehead before I go back into the hug

We don't say anything, but just stand there in eachothers embrace

"How are you feeling love?" I ask softly rubbing her back

"Lonely, like I have Remus and Tonks and your whole family and you of course but I just miss him a lot" she says looking up at me

"Well I'm here for the rest of the week so you will no longer feel bored" I say collapsing onto her bed, with her still in my arms


Y/n's pov:
Fred and I lay on my bed as we start to talk about random things and how the shop is going, I do plan to visit soon as I haven't been yet

"It's not long till christmas" I say softly

"Yeah, have you gotten all the gift ready or do you need to go out because I haven't gotten all of my mine yet either" Fred says running his hands through my hair

"Yeah we can go out to Diagon Alley some time next week?" I say before slowly closing my eyes

He hums in response before speaking up again

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? Like genuinely" he says with a soft tone

I sign before opening my eyes and looking up at him, "In all honesty, I just feel a bit empty and since it's the holidays, I was really looking forward to spending it with him and Remus and with Tonks as well" I say

He cups my face with his hands making me look up at him

"No matter what happens, he's always going to be looking over you, feeling so proud of you, don't be too hard on yourself y/n, I'm here if you ever need me" he says before kissing my forehead

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