36. The truth ~

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Y/n's pov:
"Ooo that one looks really nice" Hermione says

We decided to head out for a bit with just the two of us as it got a bit boring at home

We're at Diagon Alley and as much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want to make this day all about me

We're in a clothing shop skimming through the racks when Hermione comes to my side, pulling out a sweater to examine

"Y/n don't freak out but Fred, George and Lee have just entered the store" she says still pretending to act normal

I tense up, not wanting to talk to him as I try to make my way to the front door without being seen by any of them

I walk in front of Hermione just about to get to the door when I freeze

"Y/n?! What are you doing here?" George says catching the attention of practically everyone

I slowly turn around to see the trio not far from me

I smile slightly at George as he approaches me

He pulls me into a hug as I give Hermione a 'help me' look

She smiles sheepishly as George pulls away

We talk for a bit before George brings it up

"Y/n please hear Fred out" he says confusing me

"What?" I say not hearing him properly

He takes a breath before "We went through the stores tapes and was able to find the moment it went down, moral of the story, Fred feels terrible like when I tell you he sulked for the whole day, I mean the whole dayyy"

"George I want to hear him out but he really hurt me, it's not that easy for me to switch my brain gears and forgive him" I say rubbing my head

"I know, I don't expect you to but he was so caught up in the moment he was even thinking properly. I mean you know how he gets whenever stuff like that happens" he says

"Yeah I understand" I respond back as I take a look at the other twin

He stands talking with Lee when he feels my gaze. My mind goes blank as I see the eye bags under his eyes which aren't so visible but clear enough for me to see

The eyes that I always loved looking at stare back into mine as a pleading look shines through them

I sigh before looking back at George

"In 5 minutes or so, bring him to the 3 broomsticks, I'll talk to him then" Is all I say as Hermione and I walk out

I let a deep breath out I didn't know I was keeping in as Hermione reassured me everything will be okay

I hope so too


Fred's pov:
Since the day I saw the tapes, I've been trying all I can to get y/n to talk to me or at least hear me out but it's no use

George flicks through the tapes, going back to the day it all happened as we find the right moment

We watch as y/n stacks the shelves before the guy walks up behind her

Discomfort is clearly masked on her face as she speed-walks off looking for someone

Most likely George or Me

He pulls her closer to him, talking to her as she tries to get her wrist out of his grasp

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