17. Truth comes out ~

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Y/n's pov:
I wake up and see Fred still sleeping in his bed. I lay on my bed, staring up to the ceiling when I hear a knock on the door

"Come in" I say in a hushed voice

The door opens, revealing Molly standing there in her nightgown

"Morning Y/n, have a good sleep?" She asks coming to sit on my bed

"Yeah I just woke up a few minutes ago" I say

"That's good, I went to George and Freds assigned room but I noticed he wasn't there so I knew he wouldn't be anywhere else but in here" She says she looks over to him

I give her a slightly confused look that she notices before saying, "Y/n I know about you and Fred dearie" smiling lightly at me

"Oh I-" I get cut off as she pulls me into a hug

"Don't worry dear, I'm glad he's dating you, you're a good influence on him" She says as she stands up

"I came in here looking for Fred as I wanted to check up on his head but I'll come back when he's fully awake" she says as she heads to the door, turning back to give me a motherly smile before leaving

'Phew glad that went well' I think to myself

Seeing as I can't get back to sleep, I stand up and head to the bathroom to take a shower

Time skip ~

I finish my shower and head to my room where I see Fred no longer in bed, most likely with Molly

I get dressed as I hear a knock on the door

"Come in!" I shout as the door opens

I turn around to see Fred standing there with a fresh set of bandages on his head

"How are you feeling?" I say gesturing to his head

"It's getting better, I'll probably be off the bandages in a few days" He says as he walks towards me, pulling me into a bear hug

I hug him back and we stay in that position until Molly calls everyone down for breakfast

We pull away from the hug, but keeping our arms around each other's waist as we exit the room and head downstairs, meeting Ron who looks half asleep

We enter the room and immediately get hit with the smell of fresh pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon

The scent seems to wake Ron up as he pushes past us and sits down, already piling food onto his plate

I shake my head, grinning as Fred and I walk to our seats, George, Harry, Hermione and Ginny walking in as well

I sit with Arthur on my left and Fred on my right as I grab two pancakes and some eggs, starting to dig into the food

Everyone at the table falls into conversation as we all eat, making me internally smile as I wish all moments could be like this

Time skip ~

We were all stuffed after breakfast so George, Fred and I all head up to the twins room

George plops onto his bed, falling asleep like a baby while Fred sits on his bed with me against his chest

"Fred?" I ask

"Mhm" he says in response

"Do you think there'll be a war?" I ask softly as I caress his hands which stay intertwined with mine

"In all honesty, I can definitely feel like there will be but I'll be your knight in shining armour" He says as he flexed his muscles, making me laugh

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