30. Hint of jealously ~

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Y/n's pov:
Fred, George and I are getting ready to visit the shop, I'm quite excited actually because I haven't seen it in its full form yet

I'm brushing my teeth when Fred appears in the doorway, standing there with one arm in the frame

I raise a brow before saying "Can I help you Freddie?" spitting out the toothpaste

"No just admiring the view" he says with a cheeky smile

I rinse out my mouth before walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him in

He places his arms on my waist as he nuzzled his head into my neck

We start to rock back and forth when Fred hits it head on the door frame

He has a look of hurt on his face which tears at my heart as I take him to his room

I fetch an ice pack and place it on his head, "How bad does it hurt?" I ask softly

"Not too bad but I think a kiss will make it feel better" he says grinning

I show my head at his childish play before kissing the 'wound'

"I feel better already" He says getting up and grabbing my hand, pulling me downstairs

We meet George there whos grabbing the suitcase he brought with him

We say goodbyes to everyone before apparating to Diagon Alley

Immediately I make contact with a tall purple and orange building with one of the twins head on top, holding a hat as it reveals a rabbit

"Wow" is all I can say before Fred grabs my hand and pulls me to the shop

George unlocks the door and opens it, the bell jingling as I see all the products on the shelves stacked neatly

"This is amazing omg" I say gushing at the design of everything

"Well darling you can gush all you want or you can come upstairs" Fred says walking behind George who looks ready to collapse on his bed and drift off

I run after him and head up the stairs to see 4 doors

"That's my room there" he says gesturing to the room furthest down

"George's is opposite mine, that one is the bathroom and that one is the kitchen" He says pulling me to his room

I walk in and gaze at every wall, seeing the posters he had and even a pinboard

I notice a few photos which make me smile, missing our friends

I get pulled out of my thoughts...no literally as Fred pulls me to his bed, wrapping his arms around my neck as we both lay on the bed


I woke up around 2 hours ago, Fred waking up half an hour later and I've been looking through the products and the whole store

The twins plan to open back up in 2 or 3 days as school starts back up soon and no doubt many students would want to get their hands on some famous weasley products

Fred and I are actually back home as I had forgotten some things

We weren't planning to stay long but Molly insisted, saying she didn't want us to leave on an empty stomach

God bless that lady

We were midway eating when the door opens and someone shouts "THE BEST WEASLEY IS HERE"

The voice is one I don't recognise as in walks a tall red head with a bright smile

Molly greets him along with Ginny and Arthur as I find out his name is Charlie

He greets the twins before his eyes land on me

"And who might you be?" he asks

"I'm Y/n" I say keeping it short

"Well my dear my name is Charlie, pleasure to meet you" he says as he brings my hand to his lips

"Hey! that's not allowed sorry mate" Fred says wrapping his arms around me

"Wait are you two- well damn Fred I didn't think you could snatch a girl as beautiful as her" Charlie says winking

"Well I did, plus I don't see you with a girl" Fred says playfully

"I don't need a girl, I have my dragons" Charlie says proudfully

I laugh as Fred rolls his eyes and pulls me into him

"And I trust you won't be leaving me anytime time soon love?" he says

"I could never" I say pecking his cheek

He smiles cutely before we all tuck into lunch

Time skip ~

We're back in my room with Fred laying on my bed while I sort through some stuff at my desk

"I must admit Freddie, I sensed a hint of jealousy before at lunch" I say grinning at him

"I don't know why you're talking about" Is all he says, smiling at me before he goes under my covers and turning on his side, facing the wall

It's quiet with my record player being the only source of sound when Fred speaks up

"Y/n?" he says in a tone I know all too well

"Yeah" I respond back

"Why did you choose me? Out of all the boys at Hogwarts, why me? I mean I'm nothing too special, I don't have all the luxuries like other students, I don't have a lot of money, I have a crazy family, so why did you choose me?" he confesses making me stop what I was doing and walk to him, sitting on the bed

He sits up waiting for my response

I grab his face in my hands, "Fred where is this coming from?" I ask wanting to know

He shrugs his shoulders before looking down

I pull his face up to look at me before I say "Fred you wanna know why I chose you? I chose you because out of all the boys in our year level at Hogwarts, you were the only one to catch my eye, I don't care if you don't have a lot of money or you don't have the best things, I'm not in a relationship with you for that, I'm with you because you genuinely make me happy, your family is like my second family, I love everyone well besides Percy maybe but that's besides the point, I love you and there's no one else I'd rather be with" I say looking at him, noticing a few tears well up

I pull him to me, running my hand along his back as I feel droplets in my shoulder

"Don't doubt yourself Freddie, you're amazing on your own" I say pulling his from my shoulder

I give him a smile before he nods and pulls me into a hug

Knowing all he needs is someone to be there for him, I go under the covers still in the hug as I press my lips on his head

I continue to comfort him before I hear soft snores coming from him, I grab my wand and close the blinds before following his steps and falling asleep too

1160 words ~

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