26. Gone ~

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Get your tissues because this literally made me cry at 1am in the morning 🥲 ⬆️⬆️ was literally me

Y/n's pov:
We meet up with Hermione and Harry who tells us there's something he needs to retrieve in the department of mysteries, something to do with '97?'

Luna suggests we fly, thinking we were going onto our brooms but then she says something about a thestral?

We head to london and get into the ministry, it's after hours so it's practically empty

We head down to the Department of mysteries, looking for whatever Harry needs

Neville points out a prophecy which has Harry's name on it, making him intrigued

Harry goes over to collect the prophecy, holding it in his hands before Hermione calls him over

A dark figure stands in front of us, wearing a mask as Harry moves in front of us

The figure speaks before removing its mask revealing Lucius Malfoy

Lucius speaks to harry for a bit before another figure pops up from behind Lucius

"Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville says with a tint of shock in his voice

"Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?" she says before Neville speaks up

"Better now that they're going to be avenged" he says lifting his wand, alarming everyone

Lucius asks for the prophecy in return to tell Harry the secret behind his scar

He turns around to look at us, giving us a certain glint which makes me understand his plan

"I've waited 14 years" Harry says

"I know" Lucius replys

"I guess I can wait longer, now!" Harry shouts before we all send spells to the other deatheaters who surround us

We all continue to fight of the death eaters before Harry sends a spell to one of the towers which has prophecy on it

The spheres begin to shatter as they fall down, making the other towers fall down like dominoes

"GET BACK TO THE DOOR!" Harry shouts before we all make a run to the door we came from

We run through the door before falling down, landing just above the ground

We all stand up to see a veil on top of a slight hill

It's quiet before whooshes are heard, black smoke filling the air

Deatheaters grab ahold of everyone, leaving Harry on the hill by himself

Lucius Malfoy approaches him, restraining me while saying "Give me the prophecy now or all your friends will die" he says adding a bit more tone to his last word

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville shouts before Bellatrix pulls on his hair, silencing him

Harry looks around, making eye contact with every one of us before looking at me who is being held by Lucius

Harry reluctantly gives Lucius the prophecy, before a white light shines around them

Harry looks behind Lucius and I before we head steps

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