22. Date Night pt. 1 ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's the day dad, Remus and Tonks are coming and I'm so excited but I'd assume they'd be coming around the afternoon or maybe in the evening

Angelina and Katie were still fast asleep, Alicia sitting on her bed and she tries to awaken herself

"Wanna go get breakfast?" I whisper to her, trying to not wake the others

"Yeah sure" she says groggily as she gets up and meets me at the door

We make it down the stairs, seeing another girl in our year

I smile at her as we exit the common room, and walking through the halls to the great hall

It's the middle of spring so the halls are a bit chilly in the mornings but they get warmer throughout the day

We make it to the great hall, and we slump into the chairs

There's quite a few people at every house table, surprising me a bit as it's quite early in the morning, around 9am I think?

I sit across from Alicia as she rubs her eyes, attempting to wake herself up

I'm in the middle of eating my bacon when a very familiar voice fills my ears

"HI MINERVA, LONG TIME NO SEE!" I hear someone scream as I look towards where the voice came from

I look to my left to see my dad, with Remus and Tonks behind him

I get out of my seat and run up to them, dad embracing me into a hug

After a few minutes, I go to hug Remus and Tonks, dad going over to the professors table

Many students were surprised to see him as he was a marauder

"How are you doing dear?" Remus asks me

"I'm doing well, how are you both doing?" I ask smirking as I gesture to the pair holding hands

"We're doing well, it's good to be back here" Tonks sys as the 3 of us walk over to the teachers, me stopping at my spot with Alicia so they can catch up

"Wow it must be cool to have a famous dad and uncle, Tonks seems nice" Alicia says

I smile in response as I look over to see Tonks talking with professor Sprout, and Dad and Remus bothering Mcgonagall and Dumbledore

"They act like children sometimes, Tonks is the only sane one in the house" I say as more students start to pile in

They take notice of the guests and immediately run over to them, asking for autographs

I notice Fred, George, Lee, the 2 girls and the golden trio walking in as well

Harry goes over to greet Sirius and Remus as the rest sit with me

"Hi bub" Fred says as he pulls me into a hug

"Hey" I say

"Fred I'm going to get an autograph, it's not everyday you meet 2 creators of the marauders map" George says as he giddily gets up and runs to my dad

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