15. Love you dad ~

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Y/n's pov:
I wake up the next morning and head down to the kitchen for some breakfast where I find my dad sitting, reading the daily prophet

"Good morning dear, have a good sleep?" He asks as he stands up and pulls me into a hug

"Yeah it was nice to sleep in my room again" I say as I look at the cover of the daily prophet to see "The Boy Who Lies? on the front cover with a moving picture of Harry

"The ministry is a load of bullshit, I mean why do they think Harry would lie?" I ask as Sirius gives me a look with my certain use of language

"Fudge wants to cover up anything that has to do with the Dark Lord returning" Remus says as he walks in

"This is so fucking stupid" I say as I roll my eyes and meet my dads eyes who looks at me

"What? you say those words too" I say shrugging my shoulders as he shakes his head amusingly

"She really is your daughter Paddy" Tonks says as she walks in

"Morning y/n" She says as she pours herself a cup of coffee

"Morning Tonks, oh dad when are the Weasleys and Hermione getting here?" I ask remembering that they were coming today

"I'm sorry y/n but Molly insists her son stays at home for another day to fully rest his head as they'll be apparating here and she doesn't want him in any discomfort " He says

"Aw okay that's fine, well I'll be in my room if you need me" I say as I walk up the stairs to my room

I pull out my photo album and flick through the pages, missing my friends as I see the group photos

"What's that you got there?" Remus says leaning against the doorway

"Oh it's a photo album I bought from Hogsmeade and I've been filling it up with photos while I was at school" I say as he sits next to me and flicks through the pages

He stops at the photo of the girls and I and pulls the photo out of the slot, admiring it

"You look so much like your mother here" He says looking at the photo before giving it back to me

"What was she like? My mother?" I ask him

"When we first met at Hogwarts, she was quite shy and kept to herself. The first friend she made was Lily Evans who was friends with James Potter" He pauses before continuing

"Lily introduced us to Marlene and I could tell Sirius had an interest for her. Even though it took him a while to work up the courage and ask her out, he eventually did and life went up from there" He says smiling as he remembers his friends

I give him a hug as his eyes get slightly glossy, knowing that he misses James and Lily

He sniffs before turning the page and seeing the photo of Fred laying on me in the Gryffindor common room

He raises his eyebrow at me, with a smirk

"Don't worry I won't tell Sirius" He says patting my shoulders as he gives me the album back

I place the album back into the drawer before saying bye to Remus as I slip under my covers and take a nap


Fred's pov:
When we got home, mum sat us all down and told us about a secret organization called the Order Of The Phoenix which was formed back in the times of the first wizarding war to fight back against you know who.

Fast forward to the present times when Dumbledore had recreated it, as Harry claims the dark lord had returned during the Triwizard tournament.

We were told that we will be staying at 12 Grimmauld place which was headquarters and home to the Black family and Remus lupin

When I had heard that, I was excited that I'd be seeing y/n even though I had seen her not long ago

We were told to keep our trunks unpacked, but grab some more essentials we might need

Mum told us we can have some free time before we have to apparate to headquarters so Ginny, Ron, George and I decided to practise some Quidditch outside

Midway of playing, George had thrown a bludger in the air but due to the slightly heavy winds, it swooped over and banged into my head, making me fall unconscious

Mum goes beserk over injuries with her children and immediately tended to me while telling my dad to write to Sirius that we won't be arriving today but tomorrow should be fine

Time skip ~

I'm currently laying on my bed with the photo of y/n and I from the gala in my hand when my mum comes in to check on me

She notices the photo so I let her look at it as she gushes as how handsome I look ;) She looks at y/n and compliments her dress and how she looks amazing before she gives the photo back and sits down on my bed with a certain look in her eyes

"Fred is there something going on between you two?" She asks gesturing to y/n and I

Not wanting to make her think I don't trust her, I say "Um yeah y/n and I are um dating" I say nervously as I don't know how she'd react

"Oh my little boy is growing up" She says as she pulls me into a hug, being careful of my head

"And I'd assume Sirius doesn't know about this?" she questions

"Yeah..." I say nervously

"Don't worry your secrets safe with me also no offence Freddie but I already knew" She says surprising me

"How?!" I ask wanting to know

"Mothers intuition" is all she says as she smiles and walks out the door

Not long after she leaves, I fall asleep holding the photo of y/n and I


Y/n's pov:
I wake up from my long nap and look out my window to see it's dark

I head downstairs quietly to get some water, making sure to step over the creaky steps

I make it to the kitchen to see my dad sitting down in the dark with the moon being the only source of light, holding a photo with a tear on his cheek

I walk over to him and pull him into a hug, wiping the tear away

"You okay dad?" I ask

"I just miss your mum a lot" He says as I look at the photo he was holding to see my mum and him sitting next to mini me as I blew out a number 1 candle

"I miss her too dad" I say as I continue to hug him then I remember I had a spare photo of the girls and I in our gala dresses

"Wait I have something for you" I say as I quickly walk up the stairs and grab the photo

I run back down and give him the photo, "It was from the night of the gala" I say

"Oh you look so beautiful y/n" he says as he puts the photo in his pocket

"Are you sure you're okay with having multiple guests in our house?" He asks for the last time, making sure I'm okay

"Trust me dad, I don't mind having them over" I say

"I'm truly blessed to have you as a daughter, your mother would be so proud of you" He says as he gives me a kiss on the top of my head

"I love you so much my dear" he says pulling away from the hug

"I love you too dad" I say as I give him one last hug before heading upstairs, completely forgetting about my water and drifting off into darkness

1259 words ~

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