5. Does he like me? ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's currently lunch time and I'm sitting with the girls near a fireplace as it's winter and freezing cold outside, snow covering the grounds.

"Where do you think the twins and Lee are" Alicia asks as she eats her chicken soup. I didn't feel that hungry so I just ate a slice of pizza

"They're probably outside playing in the snow, knowing them, they wouldn't miss an opportunity like this" Angelina says with a chuckle

I start having a really sore stomach but ignore it
'It's probably just a small stomachache, it'll go away' I think to myself, putting my head down onto the table.

Alicia asks me a question I didn't think I didn't think would pop up

"So y/n, what's going on with you and Fred" She smirks while wiggling her eyebrows

"Yeah I've noticed you and him and gotten quite close" Angelina says, Alicia agreeing with her statement

"I have no idea what you're talking about guys, we're just friends" I respond, lifting my head up, my stomachache not getting any better

"Uh huh, just friends my ass, you guys would look so cute together, the glances he gives you when you're not looking are so cute" Alicia exclaims, Angelina and Katie nodding their heads in agreement

"I highly doubt it, I don't think I'm his type anyways" I say scrunching my face a bit with the pain increasing in my stomach.

"Y/n are you okay, you look a bit pale?" Katie asks concerned

"I have a really painful stomachache so I don't think I'm gonna go to dark arts" I explain, clutching my stomach

The twins join us, explaining that Lee is too tired to go to the rest of his classes for the day and is knocked out in his dorm

'Y/n you okay?" Fred asks, placing a arm over my shoulder, making me lift my face

"Woah y/n you don't look so good, your face is quite pale" George says, turning his attention from his food to me

"I just have a sore stomach, I'm just go to Madam Pomfrey and skip out on dark arts" I say as I stand up from my spot

"Okay I hope you feel better, next anyone of us to come with you?" Angelina asks

"Nah I'll be fine, bye guys" I say as I walk away in pain. 'God I hope this pain goes away' I think to myself as a figure pops up next to me

"Fred what are you doing?" I ask, being confused as to why his next to me

Fred's pov:
I watch as y/n's retreating figure walks out of the great hall.

All of a sudden, I feel a book being thrown at my head

"OW what was that for?" I say looking at George, rubbing my head to sooth the pain

"Aren't you gonna go after her, you know, make sure she doesn't faint in the middle of the hall?" George asks

"Why should I go, she said she doesn't want anyone to go with her" I say, the pain in my head sowing going away

"Fred we aren't stupid, we know you've got some sort of crush for y/n, just go after her, as her friend" Alicia says with a simple expression

"Yeah alright I'll go after her" I say as I get up from my spot to run after y/n

Angelinas pov:
"He so likes her, same with her, it's only a matter of time before they end up dating" I say as Freds head leaves my line of view

"How much do you wanna bet they'll end up dating over the break" Katie says, making George, Alicia and I intrigued

"Hmm 12 sickles" Katie says with a reasonable tone

"It's on" I say as we all shakes hands, eagerly awaiting for our two bound friends to get together
Y/n's pov:
Fred places his arm over my shoulder, leaning me into him as we walk towards the hospital wing.

"I had to make sure you weren't gonna faint in the middle of nowhere little one, wouldn't want you hurting yourself even more now, would we?" He says looking down on me with a comforting smile

We make it to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey guides me to a bed while she tells Fred to go to his classes.

He resists as first but gives up as I sternly tell him to go and I'll meet him in potions class. While Madam Pomfrey has her back turned, Fred quickly comes over and gives me a tight hug, telling me he hopes I'll be okay before Pomfrey ushers him out.

He sulks on his way out and pouts as Madam Pomfrey closes the hospital wing doors

"That weasley gives me the hardest times, his brothers as well" Madam Pomfrey sighs as she gives me some pain medication for my stomach

"So your new boyfriend or what" She asks
out of nowhere, raising a brow with a smirk

"Uhm no, he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends" I say with a smile

"Now I'm gonna let you in a secret, I think he likes you my dear, he looks at you the way my husband looked me at me at my times here at hogwarts. Trust me my dear, that boy likes you, and it's only a matter of time before you return the feelings" She says leaving my side and pulling away her supplies

"Now you may go back to your dorm and rest dear, you don't seem fully well enough to return back to your classes just yet, you can rest until lunchtime and I'll notify your teachers" She says with a warm smile as I walk out

"Okay thank you Madam Pomfrey!" I say as I walk off to my dorm

I plop myself onto my bed but as I'm about to drift off to sleep, I remember I hadn't written to dad yet

I pull out a piece of parchment and a quill and get to writing:

Hey dad, and uncle Remus,
Sorry for not sending a letter soon but i'm okay so you don't have to send a search party for me. i'm currently in my dorm resting, i had a really sore stomachache but Madam Pomfrey gave me some painkillers and i'm feeling a bit better but she let me have my last two classes off so i'm just in my dorm

Dad, i'm having the best time here at hogwarts, oh and did i mention i got sorted into gryffindor?! i quite like being in gryffindor, i've seen harry a couple of times and i share a dorm with 3 other gryffindor girls.

I've met some boys in my year level which i like hanging out with, their names are fred and george weasley, and lee jordan and they're in gryffindor as well. But there's a new defence against the dark arts teacher and what's strange is that she works for the ministry, strange huh? but i have no idea how she teaches as i'm skipping the next two periods.

But the next thing i'm about to tell you might make you a bit mad but uhm, my friends have been telling me they think fred likes me and i don't know how i feel towards him like i feel comfortable around him and his a good friend to have but i don't know my feelings towards him yet? I don't know what to do but i think i'll just let it pass on and see what happens.

Anyways i miss you and tell Remus i miss him too,
Love you guys,
y/n, 💞

I sign off the note and tie it up with a string and hook it onto my owl, Winnie as I watch her fly off

I put everything away and plop myself onto my bed and drift off to sleep

1321 words ~

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