28. Christmas ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's the night of Christmas eve and I've been sorting out the presents for tomorrow. Hermione was going to stay with her parents for the morning tomorrow then she'll come by in the afternoon, same with the weasleys.

Since Fred arrived, he's stuck to my side like glue and honestly it's made me feel better. George stuck around too but occasionally he spent time with Angelina because we all know he likes her

I'm in dads room skimming through his things, most of the time I keep the door closed to the scent stays even though it's going to fade overtime

Sometimes I take his jackets and wear them for the day as they bring me comfort, other times I just take little things from his room and admire them

I'm looking in a drawer at some photos of mum and him when they were younger when I hear a knock on the door

I turn around to see Remus standing there, I smile as he comes over to sit next to me

"I remember the first time your dad saw Marlene, he was lovestruck but he was too stubborn to admit he liked her, it was quite funny seeing him flaunt over him I must say" Remus says with a smile

"I wonder what he's doing up there" I say thinking of him

"He's most likely cursing out bellatrix with James and Lily" Remus says which makes me laugh a bit

I stay silent for a bit, Remus knowing what I'm thinking

"Y/n he loves you with all your heart, even though he's not here with us, he will continue to love you always and forever" Remus says before pulling me into a tight hug, tears slipping out

We pull out of the embrace as he wipes the tears away before saying "Oh! I forgot something, I'll be back" dashing out of the room

He returns back with a box, me giving him a puzzled look

"What's this?" I say before he gives me the box, which has a sleek bow on top

"Sirius bought those for you around September and he was going to give them to you for christmas so I figured I'd give it to you now for him" He says

I hug Remus as I thank him for being here for me

He runs his hand on my back before I hear Tonks shouting his name in a not so pleased tone

Remus turns to look at me with a frightened look before slowly walking out

I laugh as that man is a werewolf for merlins sake but is scared when Tonks is mad at him


Third persons pov:
"Y/N WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS" someone shouts before Y/n stirs, rubbing her eyes and adjusting to the sunlight

"Ron shut up you idiot!" Fred yells from his room

Ron barges into the twins room, grabbing a pillow and starts hitting him with it, making Fred pull the covers over his head

Hermione walks into y/n's room, half asleep thanks to ron's dismay and walks over to y/n

"Sometimes I despise Ron" Y/n says making Hermione laugh a bit

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