16. Moonlight ~

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Y/n's pov:
I wake just before dawn to my dad shouting some weird lyrics to a song with Remus

I roll my eyes at their childish behaviour when a half asleep Tonks comes into my room

"An earful they are" gesturing to my dad and uncle as she sits on the hanging chair in the corner of my room

"Amen sister" I say as I throw her a spare blanket from the cupboard and we both fall asleep
Tonks and I wake up at the same time to Sirius telling us to wake up and that we sleep too much

"Since when is there a time limit for sleep?" I say as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower, Tonks heading down to the second bathroom to do the same

After my shower, my dad informs me that the Weasleys and Hermione will be here soon so I check up on the guest bedrooms before heading down to have breakfast, Tonks coming out of her room too

"Your singing was horrible, you know that? I moved to y/n's room because you both were being so loud" Tonks says making me laugh quietly

"Our singing was great thank you very much" dad says as he walks over to give me a hug

"Our singing was great yeah y/n" he says to me, as I make eye contact with Tonks who laughs to herself

"Yeah it was so good" I say slowly as I get a cup of water

"See told you so" Remus says

Time skip ~

I'm in my room with my record player on as I read a book when I hear a knock on my door

I go up to open it expecting to see my dad, Remus or Tonks but instead I see a bunch of redheads

"Move let me hug my best friend" Ron says as he throws his arms over me before rushing into my room to see all the muggle stuff

"Hey y/n" Ginny and Hermione say as they pull me into a hug before following Ron, Hermione sitting in my bed as she knows what all the stuff is

"Hey best friend sharer" George says as his large figure towers over me and pulls me into a hug before entering my room

I look up to see my favourite weasley who had a bandage on their head before pulling them into an hug

"Hey y/n" he says as he looks around before giving me a quick kiss and running into my room

I shake my head as I head downstairs, leaving them in my room and I spot Molly and Arthur

I say hello to Arthur before I get pulled into a hug by Molly, returning the hug

"I presume all my kids are in your room looking at the muggle stuff you have" He says as Arthur's head peeks up

"Oh can I have a look?" He says as I nod my head and he runs up to join his kids

"How are you doing Mrs Weasley?" I ask her

"Well besides my kids giving me a hard time, I'm doing well you?" She asks giving me a warm smile

"I'm doing okay" I say as she tells me she's going to prepare some lunch as my dad can't cook for his life and sticks to take away food

I head upstairs to my room to see all the weasleys, besides Ginny and Hermione, holding something that seems strange to you

"Hey y/n what does this do?" He says gesturing to my computer

"It's a device that lets you search up anything you want and watch anything you want" I say as another weasley perks up

"Y/n what are these? They smells nice" George says gesturing to my candles

"It's scented wax that you light up with fire and the smell goes around your room, I'll light one up later to show you" I say as Arthur looks at me

"And what is this y/n?" He says gesturing to my record player

"It plays music so you put a vinyl record in and click this button and it plays the music that corresponds to the vinyl, I'll show you how to work it after dinner" I say as I turn around to see Fred holding a picture frame while sitting in the hanging chair

I go over to him to see it's a photo of my mum, dad and I

"That was taken a year before she passed, she would've loved you and your entire family" I say as I look up at him

"She's seems very kind, I see where her good looks went to" He says making me smile

Arthur went out to check on Molly while wearing one of my scarfs which I let him keep as I have more, along with Ron, Hermione and Ginny walking out to look at their rooms and George goes off to bother Kreacher

"Hows your head doing?" I ask Fred as I recall the quidditch incident

"I've had better days but at least I have you with me" He says as he stands up and pulls me into a hug

"You're too cute Freddie" I say as I pull away

"Kids lunch is ready!" I hear molly shout along with footsteps running down the stairs

Fred and I walk down and meet everyone in the kitchen, as Molly stands in front of a large pot with some soup

She distributes it into some bowls and I get a large jug, filling it up with water and ice and place it on the table, Molly giving me a thankful smile

Time skip ~

Harry had arrived around 8pm and Molly ushered all the kids out as they had to have a meeting with Harry alone

I show George how a candle works and he asks to bring one to his room as they smell nice in which I don't decline, letting him choose one before lighting it up and giving it to him before he leaves

Mr Weasley told me I could show him the record player tomorrow as he had to be in the meeting as well

Fred enters my room and lays on my bed, with his head on his chin as he looks at me with a certain expression

"Yes Freddie?" I ask as I sit next to him and run my hands through his soft, ginger hair

"Can I sleep in here tonight? George snores a bit loud sometimes" He asks while giving me puppy eyes which he knows I can't resist

"Finee, you're lucky I got the room with a bit more space" I say as I use my wand and flip out another bed on the opposite side of mine for Fred to sleep on

"As soon as we tell your dad about us, we're cuddling together" He say as he flops onto the bed, pulling the covers

I get up to turn off the light and hear soft snores coming from Fred

I walk over and kiss the side of his head before walking over to my bed, slipping under the covers and drift off into the darkness


Fred's pov:
I wake up around 5am to my head slightly pounding so I quietly open the bedroom door and head downstairs to grab a glass of water

I look out the window, looking up to the moon when I feel small arms wrap around my waist

"You okay?" her voice asks as I turn around to look at her

"Yeah I just had a bit of a headache, did I wake you?" I say as I brush some stray hairs out of her face

"No it's normal for me to wake up at random times in the morning so when I looked at your bed and saw you weren't there, I came down here" she whispers as she leans against my chest looking up to the moon which reflects onto her face, showcasing her face

"You're so beautiful you know that?" I say as she looks up at me and gives me a kiss in the cheeks

"You're too sweet Freddie" She says as I finish my water and grab her hands, quietly head up stairs

We make it to her room and she flops onto her bed, me doing the same as we both fall asleep

1405 words ~

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