25. Last day for the twins ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's the day the twins are leaving and everyones been wishing them well, of course not everyone knew but only the students in gryffindor knew

Since it's our last year, the girls and I did a gift exchange but with a twist

Instead of only getting a gift for one person, we got gifts for eachother but we decided to open those on the last day

Time skip

I'm in the great hall with Alicia, Angelina and Katie eating lunch when Lee joins us

"Hey Lee" I greet him as he piles food into his bowl and plate

He hums in response before scuffing his food down his throat

"Geez Lee slow down the food isn't going to run away from you" Alicia says making me laugh

He ignores us and skulls down a cup of pumpkin juice before leaping out of his seat and running out of the great hall

The girls and I exchange glances but shrug as it's Lee we're talking about

Katie and Angelina head off to the dorm to pack some things while Alicia heads off to the library

I stay in the hall when someone sits next to me

I don't pay attention as I read through a catalogue when the person starts poking me in my side

"Yes Freddie?" I say knowing his the only one who pokes my side to get attention

"Hi bub" he says kissing my temple

"Hello, did you need something?" I question

"No I just wanted to see you" he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him

"Aren't you going to eat something?" I say noticing his empty plate

"Nah I'll eat something later" he says not pleasing me

"No you will eat something now Fred, you can't skip lunch" I say looking into his eyes

"But I'm not hungry" he whines as he drags out the 'y'

"Fine then I guess I'll be off then" I say standing up knowing that'll get him to eat

"No no I'll eat, you have to stay here with me" he pouts as he gets some soup

"I was never going to leave anyways" I say with a smug grin

He softly punches my shoulder as we continue to eat in the hall


Fred's pov:
After packing everyone into my backpack with an extension charm which increases the size of my bag,
I leave a few things on purpose in my draw for y/n to take before she leaves on the last day

I walk out of my dorm and into hers where I see she's laying on her bed looking through something

I go over to her and lay on top of her, peeking at what she's looking at

It's her photo album with photos - moving and non moving - littering the pages

"What time are you leaving?" She asks softly

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