19. Date Idea ~

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Fred's pov:
George and I are in our dorm as we chat about our store we want to begin to open up

"Why don't we just ditch hogwarts? Sure mum will be mad but she'll understand that this is our dream" George suggests

"I mean I don't really want to do our OWLS but I don't want to leave y/n to have to deal with umbridge alone" I say

"Maybe you could get her to come with us? I don't know if Sirius will allow it but you could always try" George suggests making me think

"I'll speak to her sometime today, but I don't know if she'll come with us" I say, getting a little sad how we might not see eachother if she stays and I leave

George leaves to go and speak to Lee while I lay in my bed to tend to my thoughts

I hear the door open and I see y/n walk in

I open my arms and she pulls me into a hug

"You okay?" She asks softly in which I reply with a nod

"Just thinking" I say as she sits on my bed

"Sickle for your thoughts?" she says placing a sickle on my leg

I smile at her and pulls her onto my chest, her letting out an oomph

"George and I have been thinking of leaving hogwarts and starting up on our shop. I mean we've always thought our future lays outside the world of academic achievements" I say

"You want to leave?" she says getting off my chest

"Y/n the only reason why I'm staying is so you don't have to face umbridge alone, I don't care about my OWLS or my test scores, I care about you love" I say kissing the top of her head

"Yeah I understand I mean I'd hate to hold you and George back from doing what you love, it'll just be different without you two here" she says making me frown

"Would you like to come with us?" I ask reluctantly

"I would 100% but I feel as if I'm needed here, plus who will take care of the first years when the ugly toad hurts them?"

I nod, understanding her reason before she says"I can always visit you, and I'll write letters everyday" I smile hugging her tighter

"If you want to go and pursue your dream, you go right ahead. I'll be here supporting you" she says as she lifts her head from my chest, giving me a smile

"So when do you plan to leave?" she asks

"Well George and I haven't finalised everything yet but we probably plan to leave in 2 or 3 weeks time?" I say as I stand up

"Well we better not waste it" she says jumping into my back

We head down to the common room where everyone is just talking and chilling out

George comes over to us and says "So?" gesturing to y/n's answer

"I've decided to stay back here but just know I fully support you Georgie" she says which makes him smile


Y/n's pov:
I must admit I was a bit sad when Fred told me he was planning to leave hogwarts but I couldn't be more happy for him and George to start up their shop

I'm laying on my bed with Katie on hers as I'm deep into my thoughts

I think about Fred and George leaving and all the pros to it, then my mind goes to the cons

'what if he meets another girl and leaves me?'
'what if he decides he doesn't want me anymore?'
'what if he decides to never visit me?'
'what if he's so focussed on the shop and realised I'm a burden to him and leaves me?'
'what if-'

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