34. What? ~

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Y/n's pov:
It's been a week since the breakup and well, shit ain't going right

Once Remus found out, he immediately apparated to the burrow telling Molly who went angry red as she hadn't heard of the news

Tonks stayed at home most of the time which I was grateful for, I didn't really want to stay home alone

George has written me a few times telling me how the shop is going ect, he knows I would never cheat on Fred and told me he was determined to find some sort of evidence

I told him to not worry as it probably wouldn't do any good but hey, he insisted

I'm in the room with Hermione who immediately wrote to me as soon as she found out, wanting to know when she could come over

She's been a good friend this past week even though she's a two years younger than me, she's got some good advice

Ginny was gonna come but Molly didn't allow her as she wanted Ginny to be focused on school

Hermione and I are going through all my things and trying to find any Fred related stuff and to shove it into 2 boxes, one labelled 'y/n' and the other labelled 'Fred' which all his clothing would go in

I didn't want to trash it all but there's no use for it to stay with me

"This goes in your box yes?" Hermione asks holding a picture frame up

I nod before we start a conversation about random things, dismissing the elephant in the room

"Hey y/n?" Hermione says


"Something odd happened last week when Ron, Harry and I were in hogsmeade and I remember you telling us the same thing. We saw a black dog very similar to-" he pauses not wanting to say it

"To- padfoot and we didn't think anything of it but Harry being the investigator he was thought it was padfoot but there's no way it could've been, right?" she says making me confused

"It's quite strange if you ask me, but it could just be a stray dog" I say still slightly confused

"Yeah you're probably right" she says before putting the last items into my box

She tells me she's going to go ask if Tonks needs help, which gives me some alone time to do what I want to do next

I pull out a piece of parchment and some quill and ink and start writing

10 minutes later ~

I finish the letter and place it in an envelope, sealing it with a wax stamp before placing it in the box and picking it up

I meet Hermione downstairs who's talking with Tonks

"You ready?" Hermione asks holding her bag

I nod before Tonks speaks up

"Be careful you two, I don't want any trouble and remember, if that weasley hurts you, come get me yea" she says in a jokingly manner

"Thanks Tonks, we'll be off now, let Remus know where I am when he comes back" I say before apparating with Hermione to Diagon Alley

I get a whiff of nostalgic as the familiar alley I've been to many times stands before me

Hermione and I walk up to the twins shop, opening the door as the bell jingles

I look around for George, finally spotting him attending to a customer

I walk over after he's finished and tap him on the shoulder

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