14. 12 Grimmauld Place ~

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Y/n's pov:
Today was the last day of term and I couldn't be more excited to see my dad and uncle remus. Angelina and Alicia were staying at hogwarts as their parents have work over the holidays, but at least they have eachothers company.

I had just finished packing everything into my truck when something falls out of one of the pockets

I take a closer look and see it's a photograph of the whole group and I outside in the snow. We all were covered in snow and I remember we had asked a 3rd year by the name of Colin Creevey to take the picture

I smile at the memory and place it back into my trunk before lifting it up and walking down to the common room where everyone was gathering around

I look around for Fred but I can't seem to find him when a figure slams into my back, embracing me

I turn around to see it's Fred and hug him back

He pulls away from the hug and looks at me sadly as he says "I won't be able to see you for 4 weeks" as he sulks and pulls me back into a hug

We stay in each other's embrace when one of the prefects announces that it's time to head over to the front of the school

I give both Alicia and Angelina a hug, promising I'll write them before grabbing my trunk

I hold Freds hand as we walk out, meeting the rest of the group and we all walk together to the carriages that'll take us to station

As it's the middle of winter, cold breezes blow through the air making me shiver

Fred seems to notice this as he takes off his beanie and pulls it onto my head, wrapping his arm over my shoulder in the process

We make it to the station and give our trunks to the conductor

We all walk into the train, feeling the warm breeze as Katie finds us an empty compartment

We all pull in, Fred, and I on one side with George, Katie and Lee on the other

I grab my backpack and pull out some sweets when I notice a photo of Fred laying on my stomach in the gryffindor common room, remembering that I asked Angelina to take a second one

I tap his shoulder and show him the photo which he takes into his hand, smiling down at me before he pulls me into a side hug

I place my bag in my lap and prop my hand on the window side where I slowly drift off to sleep


Fred's pov:
I'm chatting with George when I notice y/n has fallen asleep on the window

I move her head slowly, so she can lay on my shoulder more comfortably

Not long after, I fall asleep holding the picture y/n gave me in my hand

Time skip ~

After a long train ride, we finally arrive at Kings Cross station

Y/n and I had been woken up by Katie, who was now wide awake, not long before the train had arrived

Y/n grabs her bag and intertwines her hand into mine as we hop off the train, grabbing our trunks and walk through the wall, entering the muggle world

I spot my family from a distance before seeing Sirius and letting go of y/n's hand, her understanding as she spots her dad too

Lee and Katie have already found their families but come over to say a goodbye to us

We give them a hug before they depart as we walk over to our families

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