8. Truth betold and friends again ~

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Y/n's pov:
After everything that happened in the great hall, I didn't have an appetite anymore so I didn't go to lunch. After noticing I wasn't there, Angelina came up and gave me some food, apologising for what happened

I told her it isn't her fault and that it's fine. She told me that George had actually asked her out and she didn't know what came over Fred to ask her

"Do you want me to stay here with you?" She asks softly

"It's okay Ange, you can go back" I say in a croaky voice, pulling the covers over me and falling into a deep sleep.
I wake up from a long needed nap and see it's dark outside. I look at the clock that hung on the wall, reading 5:45pm, realising the DA session starts in 15 minutes

I get up to fix my hair and look into the mirror, seeing tear stains on my checks and my puffy eyes

I get some cold water and splash my face as Katie, Alicia and Angelina walk in.

Katie comes towards me and gives me a much needed hug, Angelina and Alicia soon joining in. We pull apart as Angelina reminds us of the DA session. I put on some fresh clothes and wait for the girls before leaving our dorm and heading towards the room of requirements.

I enter and immediately make eye contact with Fred. I look away, telling myself not to cry as I walk over to Hermione and Ron as Angelina, Alicia and Katie go over to the twins.

"Hey y/n, how are you feeling after everything that happened?" Ron asks sympathetically as Hermione stands next to me

"I feel fine Ron" I say while looking down

"Don't worry y/n, my brothers a prat" He says which makes me chuckle a bit

Harry begins the lesson, informing everyone that we'll be learning about a patronus charm, which requires a strong memory in order to work

Everyone moves off, I go with Katie and the girls as we take turns practising the charm.

I think of the happiest memory I could think off when I think of the first time I met the twins on the Hogwarts Express and a light of blue shoots out from my wand and out comes a golden retriever, running around me before chasing a magpie, I look to see who's patronus that is when I meet Freds eyes

A magpie.

Freds patronus is a magpie.

He maintains eye contact when the chandelier in the room tinkles

Everyones patronus disappears from the air and booms could be heard from outside the walls. I slowly move towards the girls, intrigued to know what's going on when Harry and a second year boy named Nigel move to where the commotion is the most loudest

It's quiet when all of a sudden a loud boom is heard, creating a hole in the wall of the room.

After all the debris clears, Umbridge stands there with Filch and a few slytherin students

"Get them!" Umbridge shouts as the slytherin students grab onto everyone in the DA
Everyone in the DA are currently in detention with Umbridge in the great hall, writing lines with the most infamous blood quill.

The searing pain on my lower arm increases as I continue to write.

Half an hour later, the detention is finished and everyone leaves to go to their common rooms. Tears start to cloud my vision as the pain continues to hurt

I make it to the common room with Katie by my side when she notices my tears. Experiencing the same pain too, she pulls me into a hug being careful of my arm.

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