33. Over ~

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Y/n's pov:
Today was the day all hogwarts students were allowed in Diagon Alley and let me tell you, it was very packed

I'm quite proud of the boys in how far they've come with this shop, Molly on the other hand...she's in the middle

I'm stocking some shelves when the door bell jingles, me only being able to just hear it over the loud chatter

I look over to see Harry, Ron and Hermione all looking around with amazement flowing through their eyes

"Y/n!" Hermione runs over and gives me a hug, Ron and Harry walking over too

I hug the two boys before Ron drags Hermione elsewhere

"How've you been Harry?" I say looking at the boy

"Yeah I'm been good, schools not too bad I guess" He says before Ron calls him over

He excused himself with a smile before going over to the ginger haired boy who shows him one of the newest products the twins have released

Meanwhile I head into the storage room to collect more products when I hear the door open

I turn around to see Fred, standing in his dashing suit

"Yes Freddie? shouldnt you be helping your twin downstairs?" I say looking at him

"He said he can manage, besides I don't recall us having any time to ourselves for the past few hours" he says pulling me in

"Oh really?" I say smirking as he leans down to my lips

He nods as we lock lips, my arms going around his neck as he secures his hands on my waist

He deepens the kiss as I run my hands through his orange locks, tugging on it a bit as he lifts me up so I sit on his waist with my legs wrapped around him

He breaks the kiss before leaning down to my jaw, leaving soft pecks along before reaching my collarbone

Before it could escalate, a knock is heard on the door

"Alright that's enough Fred, move it, it's your shop too!" George says making Fred groan before he pulls away

"It's okay Freddie, go be a good worker" I say patting his back

He pouts before opening the door and walking out

I grab the box I was meant to grab from the start and head out, walking down the stairs recieving a smirk from George

I shake my head and walk to the Skiving snack boxes display andbegun to restock the shelf

Time skip <

It's 30 minutes till closing and the shops still packed as ever

I put the last boxes down when I see someone in my rear view stand beside me

I turn to see a guy with brown hair, a few inches taller than me

"Can I help you?" I ask politely

"Yes actually? you can let me take you out" he says acting all smug

I look at him with a bit of disgust before saying "Sorry I have a boyfriend" walking away

"Oh come on, you're probably just saying that" the boy stays persistent as he pushes me for an answer

"I'm being serious, I'm not interested" I say getting annoyed as I try to find any of the twins

He grabs onto my wrist, pulling me to him giving me a fright

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