32. Returned ~

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Fred's pov:
Y/n and I decided to have a day out as we've both been quite busy and haven't had any time for just us two

We walked through the alley way of Hogsmeade, getting a feeling of serotonin as we remember all the times we came here during our school years

Y/n pulls me into the 3 broomsticks where we see the trio sitting in the far corner

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" y/n asks from my side

"I think we should be asking you that question" Ton says surprised at her presence

"We decided to go out for a bit, the shop wasn't too busy so we let George manage for a few hours" I say as Ron's face turns into a slightly angry one

"You alright there Ron?" Y/n questions. from my drift me, noticing his change of expression as well

He doesn't say anything, but stares off into a corner where I turn to see a very disturbing sight

My sister kissing Dean goddamn Thomas.


Y/n's pov:
I take a firm grin of Fred's hand, knowing he's bound to run off any second

In the corner of the 3 broomsticks, Ginny and Dean seem to be on a date you know doing the usual hand holding and veryyy close to each other

"I mean they could be on a friendly date you know?" Hermione says

"Yeah I don't think it's friendly 'mione" I say gesturing to the pair who are now, snogging.

"I'd like to leave" Ron says as a waiter brings out their butterbeer

"What? you can't be serious" Hermione says surprised

"That happens to be my sister" Ron says as the two argue for a bit

"You good Fred?" I say as he's been awfully quiet

He remains his eye contact on his little sister as I bid the trio goodbye, before dragging him out

"Come on, Ginnys mature enough to make her own decisions, if she's happy with Dean then she's happy with Dean" I say as he looks down to me

"I'm so giving her a hard time about this" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder

I roll my eyes and playfully shake my head as the 'Weasleys Wizard Wheezes' sign comes into view

We walk up the path but something in the corner of my eye stops me

I stop walking, making Fred turn around

He looks at me before following my eye of view

The same black dog from 2 days ago stands next to a small clothing store, with its tongue out and the tail wagging

"That's the same dog I saw" I say making Fred slowly walk closing to it, my hand still encased with his

"It looks so...familiar" Fred says as the dog approaches us

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