18. Back at school ~

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Y/n's pov:
The last few weeks spent at 12 Grimmauld place were so fun, Christmas is in 2 months and Molly has already gotten into the christmas spirit

It was the first day of term and the Weasleys have returned to the burrow so they can get their trunks, but they'll meet us at the station

I pack everything up when I notice my photo album which is almost full

My dad comes in and I think about leaving the photo album with him since there's no point to bring it as it's almost full

"Dad you want to keep this? It's almost full and I plan to buy a new one at Hogsmeade anyways" I say as I hand the album out, him taking it in his hands

"If you ever miss me, just look at the photos, you can put some of mums photos in there if you want" I say as I stand up

He pulls me into a bear hug and says, "I'll miss you darling, if snivellous gives you a hard time just write to me yea?" gesturing to Professor Snape which makes me laugh

"Come on, we better get going, Remus and Tonks won't be coming with us as they're travelling to try to recruite more members" He says as he grabs my trunk and walks down the stairs, me following behind

"Ready?" he says

"Yeah" I say as we apparate to King's cross station

We get to platform 9 3/4 and run through the wall, the hogwarts express appearing in front of us

"I remember my days on the train, they were fun" My dad says as we go to put my trunk away

Dad looks down at me and pulls me into a hug, which I gladly return

"Have fun sweetheart, I'll miss you so much" He says as he pulls away

"I'll miss you too dad, I'll send you letters every week" I say as the train lets out a loud whistle, signalling it's time to head on

"I love you dear have fun!" he says as he stands back from the platform

"I love you too dad!" I say as I wave goodbye and head onto the train

I look around for a sign of any red heads when I feel a figure wrap their arms around my waist

If it hadn't been for the cinnamon scent giving the person away, I would've pulled away instantly

I turn around to see Fred and I pull him into a hug before we enter a carriage, George and Lee following in with Katie

I sit next to Katie and Lee before I get yanked down by Fred, who makes George take my place

He sits horizontal on the seats with me being held by him in between his legs

*just imagine how Harry was sitting in HBP with Ron when Lavender wrote on the carriage door*

"Ugh you guys are gross" George says which makes us all laugh, aside from Fred rolling his eyes

"So how was your holiday?" Katie asks me as the train starts moving

"It was good, the twins and their family stayed over for a bit for Order meetings" I say as Lee tells us all about his trip to Europe

Katie and Lee's parents are apart of the Order so we're comfortable with talking to them about it

"Oh George I bought a candle for you to put in your dorm" I say as I grab my backpack and pulled out a large red candle and gave it to him

"Thanks y/n" he says as Lee grabs it and smells it

We're all in a conversation when the trolley lady comes around asking if we'd like anything

Fred and George shake their head, making me understand why

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