40. The end of the road

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I just wanted to say I've had the best time making this story but I haven't been enjoying it as much as I did when I first started writing. With school and everything, I hardly have time to update so this will unfortunately be the last chapter of 'My yellow' and by far the longest

I've had the best time writing this story and for me to see how many reads I've gotten like I would have never imagined I got this many

To every single person, I thank you a million times so so much and I wish everyone the best!

Now onto the chapter...

1 1/2 years later~
Y/n's pov:
I stand in front of the mirror, smoothing out the long white dress as Hermione touches up my makeup and Ginny fixes the back

I would've have never thought this day would come, I mean you don't get many stories around where someone marries their best friend

The days before Fred kneeled down, he was a nervous wreck and it certainly make me concerned

I remember that day like it was yesterday...

Fred takes my hand as he guides me up the hill, fairy lights and a picnic basket lay on a two seat table on the area as I walk closer

Fred told me he wanted to take me out for an evening as it's rare for us both

I take my seat, as Fred takes his and I notice his body language

He runs his hands together every now and then which I've caught on that he does whenever his nervous

"Fred you okay?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows

He looks up in a bit of shock before nodding his head

We fall into a comfortable conversation as we eat the food, props to Molly for being the best women out there

An hour or so passes by and we're both stuffed when Fred stands up and takes his hand out, offering it to me

I look at him in confusion and he just responds with a cheeky smile

I take his hand and he stands me up, and with a flick of his wand, my favourite song plays gently through a record player

He pulls me into his chest, slightly rocking me as I lean my head onto him

We sway for merlin knows how long before he mutters a spell, and a small area of daises appear, making me instantly go up to them

I pick a few and stand up, admiring them as I look up to find Fred gone?

I still felt his presence nearby as a firework erupts into the sky

'Turn around!' the orange sparks spell as I slowly turn around, cautious of what could be behind me

I turn around, not seeing anything in front of me before I look and down and there kneeled Fred goddamn Weasley on one knee, with the most stunning ring ever

I look at his position before meeting his eyes, which carry the most loving feeling

"I- fuck what do I say again" he says

my yellow - fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now