35. Reality ~

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Remus's pov: oop hey moony
It's been a few weeks since y/n's break up and when I tell you how mad Sirius was when he found it, he was mad

If you didn't know already, Padfoot is alive but only Tonks and I are the ones who know

We had peter pettigrew under the Imperius Curse before he had been given polyjuice potion with a hair strand from Sirius

Sirius had to make everyone believe he was dead so the deatheaters would lay off our backs for a bit

Then you know the rest but Sirius has been staying at Tonks holiday house which was just out of town

He still refuses to listen to us when we tell him to not go out so we've given up on trying

But today was the day he could come home, it's definitely hard as everyone thought he died and we have no clue how y/n would react but I'm just hoping for the best at this point

Y/n's pov:

I'm in my room when Tonks and Remus come into my room

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say closing the book I was reading

They both share a nervous kind of look which kinda scares me

"Is everything okay?" I ask confused

"Y/n before we tell, well-, show you what this is, you need to at least promise us you won't get mad and we had a reason for this" Remus says

"What's going on?" I ask getting worried

"Just promise us, please y/n" Tonks says

"Okay, I promise" I say nodding as whatever they're about to tell or show me seems quite serious

They look at each other before nodding and telling me to follow them

They lead me to dads room whos door is closed

I furrow my brows in confusion as Tonks places her hand on my back in a reassuring way

Remus looks at Tonks who nods as he slowly opens the door

I'm blanked for a second before the door is opened fully

I'm still confused before a figure stands in front of a window

Knowing exactly who it is, I gasp not believing this was true

I even try to pinch myself to get out of this dream like state before I realise it's not a dream at all

But in fact it's reality

The person turns around, revealing the one person I've known all my life

I stand there not being able to move before he smiles, immediately winning me over as I run up to him, jumping into his arms as tears well up into my eyes

I sob in dads arms as he holds me in the tightest hug ever, not wanting to let go

Remus and Tonks have already left the door, but instead head downstairs to the kitchen

We eventually pull away from the hug, me still in grave shock

"W-what I, h-how" I fumble my words not even being able to say one word as dad pulls me back into his hug

"I know dear, I can't even express to you how angry I am at myself for leaving you" he says running his hand on my head

"It's okay dad" I say looking up at him

"I just feel so bad, especially since I couldn't be there when that stupid weasley broke up with you, I mean who would break up with the one and only y/n black? I mean come on" dad says making me laugh

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