24. I love you ~

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Fred's pov:
It's been a few days since y/n and I's date and I'm packing up my stuff for tomorrow when we leave

Of course Umbridge doesn't know about George and I leaving but we have a surprise for our last day

Y/n and I have been talking and she's decided to come visit the shop with her dad and Remus before christmas arrives

I've got to admit, I will be really upset when I leave because I won't be seeing y/n everyday but it's almost the holidays so that's good I guess

Y/n and I have been spending almost everyday together with the group of course and I'll miss them all, not George of course because I'll see him everyday

I'm currently packing away the last bits and bobs into a box when I hear a knock on my dorm door

I turn around to see y/n walking over to me, embracing me into a hug

"I'll miss you a lot when you go" she says quietly as I sway with her lightly

"Me too, who am I going to cuddle every night? My goddamn pillow?" I explain making her laugh

She looks up at me and pulls me into a kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck

I wrap my arms around her waist as we continue to make out for a solid 2 minutes before stupid George interrupts us

"Hey Fred have you seen my qu- WOAH THAT IS TOO MUCH STOP STOP STOP" He shouts as he covers his eyes and walks out

We pull away from the kiss and erupt in laughter as George starts speaking to himself

'Merlin what did I do to deserve this' 'I've been a good student' 'it's not my fault umbitch, I mean Umbridge is a total loser who wears pink everyday' he says to himself

"You exaggerate too much" I say to my twin as he peeks through his hands which are still covering his eyes

"Okay you're decent, anyways have you seen my quidditch goggles?" he asks

"I think they're in your desk drawer I don't know" I say shrugging my shoulders as I pull y/n back into a hug

"You guys can't keep your hands off of each other for a minute can you?" George says while shaking his head

"Aw Georgie no need to be mad that you don't have a girlfriend" she says in an amusing tone

"Ha Ha very funny" He says as he leaves, scolding us for doubting his relationship status

"Have you finished packing everything?" y/n asks as she goes to sit on my bed

"Yeah everything's in boxes ready to go" I say

"Oh! I forgot I bought you and George something, I'll be back" she says as she runs to her dorm

I think as to what she could've gotten us when she walks in with two bags

I raise an eyebrow in confusion as she sits next to me

"GEORGE FABIEN WEASLEY GET IN HERE!" she shouts his full name as I hear footsteps

"Yes?" he says holding a scarf, going to sit on his bed

"So I bought you guys these as a little farewell gift and no you can't return them, I threw the receipt in the fireplace" She says as she hands us both a gift bag, one with 'Forge' and the other with 'Gred'


"Okay you can open them" she says excitingly as she sits on the floor

I peer into the bag and see multiple wrapped gifts, taking them all out and George doing the same

"They're numbered from 1 to 6 so you can open them in that order if you want" Y/n perks up as I grab the gift labeled '1', George doing the same

I open the gift to see the new quidditch gloves I was looking at a few days ago

I look at Y/n not even fully opening the gift before I stand up and embrace her in the tightest hug

I kiss her all over her face while saying 'Thank you' a million times

George screams which grabs the attention of Lee who was passing our dorm

Lee shows his pair of gloves as well, seems like y/n got him gifts too

They jump around while I stay hugging y/n in appreciation

"You're welcome Freddie, now open the rest of them!" she says while ushering me

The next few gifts were more parts of the exclusive quidditch collection that George and I saw

After opening them all, George engulfs her into a group hug thanking her a million times

Once they go off to show the others their gifts, it leaves her and I in the dorm

I don't hesitate to run up to her, pulling her up into a hug and spinning her around as I kiss her face

"You're the best girlfriend I've ever had, well the only one I will ever have anyways" I say as I set her down, not releasing her from the hug

"You're welcome Freddie, I know you really wanted them and I had some extra money so I spent it on that" she says smiling up at me

I don't think twice before I say my next words

"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah" she responds

"I- I love you" I blurt out

She freezes before looking into my eyes

"You..love me?" she questions for reassurance

I nod before I get attacked into a hug

"I love you too Fred" she says as we share a kiss

I get shocked at those words before I let her go and head down to George and Lee in the common room

"GEORGE GEORGE SHE SAID SHE LOVES ME " I say while shaking his shoulders

I jump around on the spot while Lee overhears

"Aww Freddie's in love" Lee says as he pinches my cheeks, more like squeezing the life out of them

I smack his hands before continuing to jump around giddily before realising I left y/n in the dorm

I turn around to bolt up the stairs before I realise she's talking with Angelina, Alicia and Katie

I run up behind her before picking her up, taking her away from the girls who smirk at us

I spin her around a bit, her legs accidentally knocking Ron in his back ... love you ronnie

We collapse on the couch catching our breath before George and Lee stand over us

"Okay we get it, you're in a relationship" George says rolling his eyes playfully

"Yeah and you're not" Ron fires back at him which makes everyone around us laugh

"Talk about yourself Ronniekins" George says as they end up bickering

I look down to see y/n slowly falling asleep on my chest, her almost closed eyes looking up at me

"I love you darling" I say softly

"I love you too Freddie" she responds back before closing her eyes

I kiss her forehead before using my wand to levitate a blanket over us

1175 words

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