23. Date night pt. 2 ~

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Y/n's pov:
I have at least half an hour to get ready and the girls are scolding me, saying I should've gotten ready earlier

I let the girls pick out an outfit for me as I couldn't decide on anything

Im not the biggest fan of full face coverage with makeup so I just went with some lipgloss and a bit of mascara

After the girls have finally decided a good enough outfit, I finish applying my lipgloss and go to check out what they picked for me

I see a cream coloured, thin strap silk top paired with some black jeans and a plaid jacket

I thank the girls before going to the bathroom and putting the fit on

When I get out, I notice the girls aren't there anymore so I sit down and fix my hair

Midway of me looking in my draw for a small slip, I hear someone knock

"Come in!" I say while putting some earrings in

I look in the mirror to see Fred, standing there looking handsome as always

I smile up at him before quickly putting my earrings in and standing up

He looks at me up and down as he scans my outfit

He pulls me into a hug while saying "You look absolutely beautiful" as he kisses the top of my head

I compliment him as well as we head downstairs

"Now I want her back here before 10pm, no later than that and I will be here waiting" Sirius says as he sits in the common room couch

"Yeah yeah I got it dad" I say as he pulls me into a hug

After a few conversations between my dad, and him threatening Fred, Tonks pulls him back as we head out of the common room

He wraps an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him as we walk out the school

We talk about random things before we reach the hogsmeade train

We find a seat and sit down, he goes to kiss me on the lips but I put my fingers on his lips

"I have lipgloss on buddy" I say as he pouts, sulking as a frown falls onto his face

I chuckle at his actions and lean into his shoulder

"So where are we going?" I ask hoping to get something out of him

"It's a surprise" is all he says as we make it to Hogsmeade

I've never been to Hogsmeade at night but I definitely should come more often, the fairy lights and lanterns are so pretty here

Fred holds my hand as we make it up to a hill, not that far from the center of hogsmeade

He quickly puts his hands over my eyes, shielding me from seeing anyone

I hear him whisper a spell before he removes his hands, revealing the prettiest set up I've seen

Lights are levitating in the air as a picnic rug lays in the ground, with plates of delicious food on top

My silence must've given Fred the wrong idea as he says "If you don't like it, we can always go back to hogsmea-"

I cut him off by pulling him into a hug, "Fred I love it" I reassure him as I pull away from the hug

He gives me his award winning smile as we sit down

Time skip ~

After devouring almost everything on the plates, Fred and I lay down on some pillows looking up to the night sky

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