2. The Weasley Twins ~

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Y/n's pov:

As I board the train, I find my way walking down the aisle and in need to find an empty carriage but of course, me being the clumsy person that I am, didn't realise there was someone in front of me and well... yea, you can guess what happened

"Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" I say as I apologise to the red headed boy whom I knocked over

"Oh don't worry about it, I'm all good" he says looking down and cleaning off his attire. He looks up at me and says "I'm Fred btw, Fred Weasley" and puts his hand forward for me to shake.

"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Fred" I say with a smile. I decide to be the bigger person and ask him "You wanna share a carriage with me? you don't have to if you already have found one" I say with a sheepish smile, hoping that he'd say yes so I'd at least have a friend to talk to.

"Yeah I'm sorry, my twin has already found us a carriage but maybe another time?" He responds with a light smile, deflating my mood a bit with his response. "Oh...yeah that's fine, you can go ahead, I
I'm sure I'll find someone to sit with" I respond with a small smile as I walk off with my head down, a bit sad that I didn't get to know him more.

I find an empty carriage and plop down on the seat and prop my hand on the window
'So much for making friends' I say to myself.

Fred's pov
I stand in the aisle of the hogwarts express when I feel a body bump into me and knock me down. I don't take it to heart as I hear the person apologise as I get up. 'Wow she's gorgeous' I say to myself. I tell the girl not to worry about it and we introduce eachother.

She offers to share a carriage but I had to kindly decline as my twin, George, had already found us a carriage to sit in. She understands and walks off but I couldn't help but notice the slight disappointment in her eyes as I declined her offer. I watch as she walks down the aisle with her head down and her retrieving figure steps into a compartment

'Now I just feel bad for leaving her to sit with no one' I think to myself but get pulled out of my thoughts by my twin George. "Freddie what's taking you so long?" He asks but then follows my line of view to the girl who steps into an empty compartment.

"Who was that?" He asks

"Her name's y/n and she had asked if I wanted to sit in a carriage with her but I told her you had already found one for us, but I'm starting to feel bad now because she's all alone and she looked a bit sad when I declined" I say with a concerned tone

By this time, we've both been pulled into a compartment by our friend Lee as the train was starting to move

"Fred, you really are stupid sometimes" he says as he wacks me across the head.

"OW! what was that for?!" I say in an annoyed tone.

"Fred, you could've invited her into our carriage, it's only me, you and Lee and there's a spare space anyways" He says as he points to an empty space in front of me

"Oh shoot I forgot about that, do you think I should go back to ask her or leave her be?" I ask. "Honestly, I'd say you go ask her because I'd hate to be in her position where I'm all alone and plus, she's new in our year" Lee responds

"Wait she's new?! and in our year level?! Why didn't you say so Lee, and also where'd you hear that from?" I frantically ask Lee

"Okay first off, yes she's new, second, yes she's in our year level, third, I didn't say so because I just found out and fourth, I overheard Angelina and Katie talking about it and saying how they hope she's in their dorm" he responds

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