3. The Sorting Hat ~

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Y/n's pov:
We arrive at hogwarts and all the first years trickle into the great hall. I sit with Fred, George and Lee as I wait to be sorted into my house. A lady professor pulls me aside and asks to speak to me.

"Hello y/n, my name is professor Mcgonagall and I'm the head of Gryffindor house. Now I assure you now that you know a bit about hogwarts from your friends and your father?" She asks with a slight smile on her face

"You know my father a-and who I am?" I ask with a puzzled expression

"Of course I know who you and your father are my dear, I could recognize those eyes anywhere and I even taught your father in his times here at hogwarts" She explains.

"Now you will be sorted before the first years as you're much older than them okay?" She says with a lighter smile

I nod as I walk back to my seat and wait for my name to be called.

Professor Mcgonagall faces the first years and states that when she calls their name, they will come forward and have the hat placed on their head to be sorted. She pulls out a scroll with, I'd assume has all the names of the first years.

"Y/n Black" She says facing me.

I walk towards the stool, feeling a bit anxious. I reach the stool and place myself down as Professor Mcgonagall places the hat on me

"Hmm interesting, very interesting, a smart mind I see, and lots of bravery I sense too. Blacks daughter I presume, but where to put you? Better be... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouts as cheers erupt from the Gryffindor table. I hop down and plop myself next to Fred and George.

"Glad you're one of us now" George says as he smiles down on me

"Yeah, now we have someone to test our products on" Fred says while throwing his arm over my shoulder giving me a smile. I smile back as I lean into his arm and wait for all the first years to be sorted. George looks at the position we're in and gives us a smirk
All the first years are settled into their houses and an elderly man with a long grey beard stands up and announces that a new addition to staff has been added.

A lady dressed in all pink, ew, stands up and interrupts Professor Dumbledore with a clear of her throat.

She started to say a speech but I blanked out, not caring about what she had to say and only caring about when the food was gonna be here.

Fred break me out of my thoughts by tapping my arm

I turn to him and he leans in to whisper in my ear

"By the way, thanks for the cake, I'll pay you back" he says

"There's no need to pay me back, don't worry about it" I say smiling up at him before turning my attention back to the front

Ms pink lady finally returns to her seat and Professor Dumbledore stands up to the podium.

"Let the feast begin" He says with a warm smile

As soon as he says that, plates of food appear in front of us and everyone starts to dig in. I look across the table to see a familiar looking face with the infamous lighting bolt scar

"You're Harry potter aren't you? You're my dads godson I believe?" I say as I make eye contact with him

"Yeah I am, I didn't know Sirius had a daughter until now otherwise I would've introduced myself on the train" He says with a sheepish smile

"Yeah I originally went to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic but Sirius insisted I move here instead" I say as I look to his right and see a ginger, no doubt Fred and George's brother

I nudge Fred and say "Is he your brother?" as I point to the ginger sitting next to harry

"Oh yea that's Ron, short for Ronald and our sister over there is Ginny" He says as he points to yet another ginger girl sitting further down

"How many siblings do you have" I ask as I wonder what it would be like to have siblings, seeing as I grew up as an only child

"Well theres Bill who's the oldest, then Charlie who comes next, Percy who's a bit of a prat, I'm not gonna lie, then George and I, Ron and then Ginny who's the youngest" He says as all the food is gone and dessert appears onto the tables

"Wow that's a lot of siblings, it must be nice to have siblings as you grow up" I say as I wish I had siblings growing up.

"Well it's very stressful but you get use to it overtime" He smiles and finishes off his dessert
Freds pov:
The feast had come to an end and we were dismissed to go to our common rooms. I had a feeling y/n was a bit lost so I place my arm around her shoulders

"This way y/n" I say as she looks up with a grateful smile

'That smile gets me every time' I think to myself as we approach the moving stairs.

Y/n being the clumsy one that she is, didn't know the stairs move and almost fell when they had changed.

I grasp onto her waist, pulling her away from the railings

"Thanks Freddie" She says with a thankful smile

All the Gryffindors make their way to the Gryffindor common room which had a painting of an old lady on the front doorway

"Caput Draconus" George says from behind us, coming out of nowhere and the door opens wide showcasing the common room

The prefects announce the dormitory arrangements for the first years. Y/n was in a dorm with 3 other gryffindors girls: Katie bell, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet

"Aw shame you couldn't be with George, Lee and I, besides I'm enjoying this position we're in" I say with a sheepish smirk as she realises the position we're in: My arms now rest along her shoulders as she leans against my chest with her back facing my front, and my chin on her head

She looks at me with an amused face and an eyebrow raised and says "Oh well, shame" and removes herself from my embrace, making me feel cold and walks up to her dormitory

I watch as her retreating figure walks up the stairs and disappears

"I reckon you fancy her a bit Fred" George says next to me with a smirk on his face

"George, I have no idea what you're talking about" I say as I walk away with a smug grin on my face

'Do I have a crush on y/n?' I think to myself and I walk up the stairs and pass the girls dormitory and look in to see y/n with a bright smile, laughing at something Katie had said.

She makes eye contact with me and waves to me with a smile that could make me melt.

I wave back with a smile and walk into my dormitory and lay onto my bed.

'What a day'

1216 words ~

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