7. Upset ~

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Y/n's pov:
A few weeks have passed and it's almost the end of term. Apparently the dark arts teacher has been torturing her students with a blood quill, I remember seeing some first years with tears down their cheeks after walking into the common room

But her teaching isn't the best, we weren't learning spells and she treats us like first years. But Harry has put together a secret organisation called 'Dumbledore's Army' and it's been helping a lot

Nothing much has really happened between Fred and I, I mean we've gotten closer and there are times when we'd fall asleep on the couch together but other than that, nothing has happened.

It's currently a Saturday and I'm reading through the letter my dad send back:
'Hey my dear,
I hope everything's going well at hogwarts and nothings troubling you, well besides the foul dark arts teachers torturing ways. Harry told me about her and he even told me he has a scar which says 'i might not tell lies' that's bullshit in my opinion but I hope everything's going well with your studies.

Oh and I've heard of the weasleys before, great family I must add. But there's something I've been meaning to tell you but I'm afraid it'll have to wait till after you get back home as you never know who's keeping track of these letters

But I miss you so much mini padfoot and remus sends his love as well

I can't wait to see you dear

It's times like this when I really miss the comfort of my dad and uncle but at least I get to see them soon.
The girls have gone to breakfast early as they plan to go to hogsmeade for the day, they did ask if I wanted to go but I declined, wanting to stay in the dorms for a bit. Fred and George are with Lee playing in the snow as usual

I head out of bed and go down to get some breakfast. I enter the great hall to see Harry with his two friends Hermione and Ron. I've gotten to know them better as I see them more in the common room and at the DA meetings.

I go to sit with them as I look out the window and see Fred and George throwing snowballs at each other while Lee makes a snowman

Hermione is currently scolding Ron for eating too much and not saving some for the others

"Y/n do you think I am eating too much?" He asks with his mouth full

"Gosh Ronald close your mouth when you're eating, no one wants to see all that disgusting chewed up food" Hermione exclaims while rolling her eyes

"Honestly Ron you do eat a fair bit but it's your body so you can do whatever you want" I say shrugging my shoulders as I get some waffles and syrup

"Thanks y/n, anyways what's going on with you and my older brother? You two seem very close" Ron says while grabbing some more eggs, making Hermione roll her eyes as she continues to read her book

"Nothings going on between us Ronald, I don't get why you'd think that" I say looking at him

"Hm okay, if you say so" He says

"Could I have your attention please students" Professor Mcgonagall says to the students who are seated in the great hall

"As a little treat since OWLS aren't far away, the professors and I have decided to hold a special gala for all 4th year students and up. As I'm aware not all students are here, posters will be hung up in the common rooms by the prefects. It will be held a week before end of term and I expect everyone to be there" She says with a smile before dismissing us back to our dorms

"A gala? That seems fun, it would be nice to have a night of no stressing and work to complete" I say before spotting the girls coming back from Hogsmeade

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