10. The Surprise ~

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Fred's pov:
I'm sitting in the great hall with the girls, George and Lee when the mail arrives

My owl drops some small parcels that are tied up with a string. I unravel the string to see my name on a letter, immediately knowing what it is and who it's from

I dash up to my dorm and open the letter which says:
Hello Fred,
Yes y/n has told me about you, and your twin of course. Now y/n has told me that she plans to go to the gala alone but I couldn't let her do that, especially since it's her first year at hogwarts

So I'm allowing you to take y/n to the gala in hopes that you'll keep her safe and away from any spiked drinks

Fred I'm trusting you that you'll keep her safe, when her uncle remus heard of this, he almost flipped a table but as we both know your parents, you can be an exception

Good luck Fred and take some photos to send me
oh and little tip, y/n likes white daises ;)

All the best,
Sirius. Black

By the time I finish reading the letter, I'm jumping all over the place when George and Lee walk in and question me

"HE SAID YES, I CAN ASK HER" I say with a wide smile as I hand the letter over to them

"Okay now come on, you've got to get everything ready in her dorm" George says, understanding what I mean as we make our way to her dorm, spotting only Katie and Angelina in there

We walk in closing the door behind us, telling our plan to the girls, who tell us they'll keep y/n away from her dorm for a couple of hours and that they'll let Alicia know

They walk out and we get to work

'Merlin I hope she says yes' I say as I pull out the sign


Y/n's pov:
I'm sitting in the great hall with Alicia, just talking about random stuff when Katie and Angelina walk up to us and suggest a girls trip to hogsmeade

I get confused as we usually plan stuff like this a few days in advance but I'd be stupid if I were to miss out on a day to Hogsmeade

Alicia declines, saying that she has to go up to finish off some homework anyways.

"Okay well I'm just gonna go get my money, I'll be back" I say as I begin to walk down the hall to reach the stairs

"No!" Angelina and Katie shout together

"Uhm why not?" I say confused

"We can pay for you, as an apology treat since you're the only one going to the gala without a date" Angelina says with a reassuring smile

"Uhm okay" I say as I walk back down the stairs and out of the entrance of the school
Freds pov:
We're halfway done with Y/n's surprise when we hear a knock on the door

George, Lee and I freeze when I ask "Who is it?!" hoping it isn't y/n

"It's Alicia, can I come in?" She says, making us all feel relieved

"Yea come in!" George says as she walks in

"Ohhh is this for y/n?" she asks while looking around

"Yeah, that's probably why Katie and Angelina took her away from the school for a bit, we needed time to prepare all of this" I say as Alicia comes over to help us

Time skip~
It's been a little over an hour and Alicia informed me that the girls should be coming back soon so George and Lee quickly finish getting everything ready when we hear a knock on the door

"Who is it?" Alicia asks while moving from her bed to the door

"It's us" Katie says as I get the hint that y/n is with her too

I quickly grab the flowers, courtesy to Sirius helping me out

Once everything looks good, Alicia looks over to me and I nod, gesturing that she can open the door

"Finally I thought I'd have to bang the door down, what took you so lon-"

She gets cut off by seeing what was in her dorm

George, Lee and the 3 girls leave but peer behind the slightly opened door

"Fred what is all this?" She says softly

"Well after finding out that Lee hadn't ask you to the gala, I wanted to ask you but the reason why I took so long to do so was because I was waiting for your dads response, I had wrote to him asking for his permission as I didn't want him to get the wrong idea" I says with a sheepish smile

"Fred you wrote to my dad?" She asks, astonished that I had taken the time to do so

"Yeah, is this all too much? If you've already got a date, I understand you know I did take quite a-"

She cuts me off by running up to me and pulling me into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around my neck, the faint smell of roses filling my nose

I freeze for a second before returning the hug as she says "Yes Freddie I'll go to the gala with you"

A camera clicks from behind us as I see Angelina had taken a photo of the moment

"Y'all are too cute" She says as she comes over to give the picture to y/n

"Oh and these are for you" I say as I hand her the bunch of daises

She takes them and pulls me into another hug, thanking me for going through all this to ask her

"Anything for you" I whisper to her


Y/n's pov:
I spent the next few hours with the girls cleaning up our common room and getting everything ready as next week is our last week of term

"Sooo you think Fred will make a move at the gala?" Katie says while folding some clothes

"Uhm no, why do you think that" I ask while putting the daises Fred had given me into a clean vase with water

"Well think about it, would you have ever expected Fred to write to your dad? Would you have expected him to ask you to the gala? I mean he went through all of this to ask you to the gala, you might not see it y/n but that boy has something for you" She says while walking out of the common room, leaving me to my thoughts.

'I mean I wouldn't mind dating Fred, he's a nice friend but would it put our friendship in jeopardy if we were to date?' I think to myself as I sit on my bed and look out the window

1136 words ~

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