6. Butterflies ~

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y/n's pov:
I wake up to Katie shaking me, telling me it's dinner time. I quickly fix my hair and pat my clothes down as we walk together to the great hall where I see the group sitting down, eating while chatting to each other. Angelina is the first one to notice me, who nudges Alicia to look over to me.

I see Fred, George and Lee talking, not noticing me yet when I get an idea, George and Lee notice but I gesture for them to keep quiet, creeping up behind Fred who has his head down, looking slumped

I place my hands over his eyes, "Guess who" I say waiting for his response

"Uhh y/n?" Fred saying while removing my hands from his eyes, looking into my eyes with a wide smile

"Good guess" I sit down next him, getting some chicken pieces, vegetables and noodles onto my plate

"Finally, you're here, this idiot wouldn't stop sulking after you didn't show up for potions" George says, pointing at Fred

"I was not sulking" Fred says, playfully defending himself while his cheeks turn a bit red

"Uh huh, guys was he sulking in potions class?" George asks the group who nods and choruses of yes's were heard

"Point proven Freddie" George says while eating his chicken

I look at Freddie who looked slightly embarrassed so I lean onto his forearm and say "It's okay Freddie, no need to be embarrassed, at least I know you like my presence" I say quietly so only he could hear

He looks down at me, the slight blush tint in his cheeks disappearing and replaced with a genuine smile

He doesn't reply but instead places his arm over my shoulders pulling me into him more while joining the conversations taking place at the table
---------------------------Dinner was over so we all headed out to the common room to relax before we had to go to bed. Lee goes off to sleep early as thats the only thing he does nowadays, Katie went up to go finish some homework, Alicia and Angelina are chatting amongst themselves and George, Fred and I are all sitting on the couch.

"So y/n what are your plans for the break" George asks while lifting his legs, putting them on the large table in front of us

"I'm probably just gonna stay at home with my dad and uncle, idk really it's quite far away" I ask while getting a tad bit sleepy and resting my head onto Freds shoulder, whom as usual, places his arm around my shoulder

"Well I'm heading off to bed, this couch is too uncomfortable, night y/n!" he says whilst ascending up the stairs

"Aren't you gonna go with him?" I ask Fred who has his head on top of mine

"Nah I might stay down here for a but, besides who's gonna be your knight in shining armour who carries you to bed if you fall asleep here" He says with an amused face

"Ha ha very funny Fred" I say as I move to lay on the end of the couch

"You can go to your dorm if you want Fred, I'll be okay here besides, Angelina and Alicia will wake me up if I fall asleep" I say slighting dozing off

"And miss a chance to cuddle with my best friend? No way" He says as he moves me to lay on his chest, normally I'd question his sudden actions but I'm too tired to talk

"I thought George was your best friend" I say while closing my eyes

"Well don't tell him but your my first best friend, George is a close second" He says as he rests his chin on my head

"I'm glad I'm your first best friend" I say while officially dozing off,

I don't hear his response as I'm knocked out and I'm sure he soon is too.

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