39. The best ~

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Y/n's pov:
It took a fair bit on convincing to let Fred understand that I wasn't mad at him I mean the whole day he clung to me, except for the times I went to the bathroom but other than that, he was a koala for the whole day

It's saturday so the shops quiet, George went out with Angelina which I never thought he'd fancy but you know, it's George so...

Fred and I are in the flat just sorting through some stuff on the shelves

We restocked everything to get ready for monday and since it was term break for hogwarts students, it would be busier than usual

I finish sorting through the last box and head over to Fred who puts the last Skiving Snackboxes on the shelf

"All done?" he says ask turning around

I nod as my stomach grumbles

"Wanna go grab something to eat? I haven't had time to get groceries" I say sitting on the counter

"Yeah I'm a bit hungry too actually" he says lifting me off the counter and placing me on my feet

We head out, making sure everything was locked and wandered around Diagon Alley

We weren't sure what we wanted so we just wandered around until something caught our eye

I found a cafe next to Flourish and Blotts and headed inside, Fred trailing after me

We find a corner table and sit down, skimming through the menu

A tall guy with tan skin and brown hair comes up to us in a uniform

"And what can I could for you two today?" he says, his eyes lingering on me

I shift in my seat in discomfort as Fred orders his food

"Great and for the lovely lady?" the waiter says turning his attention to me, this makes Fred look up

"Um I'll just get the chicken teriyaki bowl thanks" I say looking away

"Great I'll be out with your orders in a few" he says before walking off

I look back at Fred whos fist is clenched on the table and looking at the retrieving figure

"That slimy git" Fred says with slight annoyance

"Calm down Freddie" I say in a hushed voice, trying not to gain any attention

"Does he not see that we-" moving his finger between him and I

"Are a couple? I mean we don't even look alike, there's no way we would be "siblings" or "cousins" like come on" he says using quotation marks and throwing his arms up

I chuckle as his childish behaviour as our food gets brought out

"Enjoy your food" he says winking in my direction

"Okay that's it" he says throwing his napkin on the table

"Fred sit down before I get your mum here" I say using the 'mum' card which I know gets him everytime

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