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Fred's pov:
I wrote back to Sirius, informing him that he can come on the 20th of november which was in 2 days

George and I are currently in a jewellery store in Hogsmeade

George is looking for a gift for mum while I'm just walking around

I spot a silver necklace with an orange and purple jewelled charm

The cashier noticed me looking at it and speaks up

"Funny story a girl around your age came in here looking at that exact necklace, with a friend" he says

"Could you happen to describe this girl, the one who was looking at the necklace?" I question

"Um she had dark brown hair, was wearing a beanie and was with a girl named Alicia, I think it was" He explains as the doorbell rings and he goes to tend to another customer

"Could it have been y/n in here?" I think to myself

George comes up next to me and asks "Are you going to get that for y/n? you've been staring at it for the past 5 minutes" he asks me as I turn to look at the price tag

"It's quite expensive" I say

"We do have a third of the savings harry gave us to spend on whatever we want" George says trying to convince me

"Should I?" I ask him

"Go for it mate, I bought mum a pair of earrings by the way for christmas" He says

"I left our money in our vault, should I go get it now?" I ask realising I didn't have all the money I needed

"I'll keep it on hold for you" the cashier says behind the glass cabinets

I give him a thankful smile before I apparate to Diagon Alley

I enter the bank, requesting to enter my vault

A goblin takes me towards my vault and takes my key, placing it in the hole

It unlocks, allowing me to step in

I take the correct amount of money and put it inside my pockets

I exit my vault and head towards the entrance of the bank

I apparate back to Hogsmeade, heading into the jewellery store

The cashier ends up giving me a discount, and places the necklace in a box, tying it up with a ribbon and handing it to me in a bag

George and I exit the store and head to the station

'Merlin I hope she likes it'


Y/n's pov:
Dad sent me a letter saying he'll be arriving in 2 days

It still confuses me as to why he's coming so out of the blue but I won't question it

I'm currently with Hermione and Katie in the library as we all work on our homework, Hermione helping us a bit

my yellow - fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now