9. Permission ~

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Y/n's pov:
5 days until the Gala and I still didn't have a date so I opted on going with Alicia as we both didn't have dates

When I brought up the idea, she was surprised to find out that Fred hadn't asked me after we had become friends again and that Angelina was going with George.

I didn't really mind going with Alicia but it would've been nice to go with Fred.

Speaking of Fred, he's been quite distant lately like every time I go to talk to him, he tells me he's busy like I don't really understand what I did but oh well

Anyways the girls and I have scheduled to down to Diagon Alley to go look for dresses as we all didn't have one but we head to the great hall first

I sit next to Fred who pulls me into a side hug and keeps his arm over my shoulders as I grab some eggs and toast with some water as I'm not the biggest fan of orange juice

"So ladies, who are you going to the ball with?" George asks, mainly directing the question towards Alicia and I

"Y/n and I are going with eachother as we both don't have dates" She says while secretly elbowing Fred in the side

"Yeah I don't really mind going with Alicia, it's better than going with someone I hardly know" I say with a shrug

George looks at Fred, speaking with his eyes which I question but must be a twin thing

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Katie reminds the girls that it's nearly 10am which is the time we agreed to go to Diagonally

We say bye to the twins and I leave Freds embrace, getting pulled by Katie towards the entrance of the school.


Fred's pov:
As soon as the girls are out of our view, George smacks me on the head with the newspaper he was reading.

"What was that for?!" I ask rubbing my head

"I thought you were gonna ask y/n to the ball you idiot" He says in a hushed voice

"I have, I just need to do one more thing calm down"I say reminding myself to do the last thing which would help me loads

I say as I bid him goodbye and head to my dorm where I need to write to someone

I pull out a piece of parchment and a quill and ink and begin my letter:
Dear Mr. Black or Sirius Black, however you'd like to be greeted,
My name is Fred weasley and I am in the same year as your daughter. I hope y/n has told you about me otherwise what I'm about to ask might seem a bit awkward. So there's a gala being held for all 4th year students and up and I had planned to ask your daughter to be my date to the dance but I just wanted to get your permission first.

I have everything ready for when I want to ask her so all I need is your permission.
Please write within 1 to 3 business days as the ball is in 5 days :)

Fred Weasley

I sign off the letter and place it in an envelope with his name on the front and give it to my owl, Barnaby to fly it over to him

'Merlin I hope he says yes' I say to myself as I lie down on my bed and close my eyes, soon enough falling asleep.


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