Epilogue ~

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Y/n's pov:

I finish cooking up their breakfasts when footsteps running down the stairs could be heard

The twins, Conner and Lyra pop out from behind the wall and rush to their seats

"Mum what's it like at Hogwarts?" Lyra asks from her seat next to Conner


"It's the best experience, it does suck when you get detention, especially with snape" Fred says coming back from the bathroom

He walks over to where I'm standing next to the sink and plants a kiss on my lips

"Ewww" the twins say in unison

"Dad do you think Lyra will get a boyfriend?" Conner asks which makes Fred freeze and widen his eyes whilst I just stand there with a smug look

"Absolutely not, Lyra Marlene Weasley, if a boy comes up to you and says something weird, tell him/them who your father is, Frederick Weasley, the best prankster in the world" he says going into his own imagination

"Lyra I'd suggest don't get a boyfriend until your 4th or 5th year" I say which snap Fred out

"You aren't seriously encourag-"

"Oh! will you look at the time? We've got to go now!" I say which makes the kids rush up to get their trunks and bags

"That was mean" Fred says

I roll my eyes at him playfully as I follow the kids into the car

Fred puts Conners trunk into the boot last before closing it and hopping into the drivers seat

"Have you gotten everything? Wand, robes, some food, a bit of money" I trail off as they check their bags before giving me a nod

Time skip ~

We make it to the station and place all the kids things into trolleys

Fred helps Lyra whilst I help Conner as we walk onto the platform, searching for the infamous wall in between platform 9 and 10

We reach it and make sure the coast is clear before Fred and Lyra run through the wall first

"You ready?" I look down on my son

He nods before we both run into the wall

Fred had already given Lyras trunk and things into the compartment and gladly goes to take Conners things

Lyra comes to my side, eating for her dad as he puts her owl in and comes over to us

We walk for a bit before Fred shouts out "Georgie!"

George turns around and sees all of us

Fred goes for a hug from his twin but gets dismissed when George goes for our kids instead

Fred stands there in a sulk before walking back over to me

"It's okay Freddie, I can give you a hug if you want" Is all I say before Fred pulls me into one

Our kids chat with George's son and daughter with Angelina who supervises them

I pull out of the hug to greet George, whose twin stands with a look of shock

George finally goes around to hug Fred who doesn't give in until the last minute

George's kids come over and I pull them both into a hug, before a loud train horn is heard followed by "ALL ABOARD!"

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