Bonus - Life can't be more beautiful

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Author's pov - 

Life can't be more beautiful for two childhood lovers , who were separated by the destiny and reunited by their  fate and their unconditional love .. 

It's been 1 year to their wedding both leaving peacefully and happily with their families , drishti had taken over the sharma's business after lot of pressure from the families , Divya and shikhar also got married and now in USA for their work and all . Sharma's shifted back to India and leaving with Shergill's . 

Drikshit used to argue with each other but never got into a big fight or we thought so .. Drishti is in flight right now for Uttarakhand , She is in deep thought , Why ? because yesterday both had a big fight . drishti was being not well from few days and today she have to go to Uttarakhand for some site seeing .. she wanna built a hotel there  and finally she was able to do that and she don't want to delay it anymore , So she adamant to go there whereas rakshit have some important work in delhi so he can't go with her and he want her to stay here for few days as she is ill and being overprotective he is , He refused her to go and same goes with drishti she want to go there without taking care of her health . and this leads to a big fight and ended with not talking to each other , So drishti went to her home town without informing him as she was angry on him and on the other hand rakshit was also angry on her so he didn't tried to stop her or even call her.. 

In the end both were missing each other , snapping on their staff for small mistake and reductant to call each other . By their mood every body clearly understand that both husband wife got into fight but no one want to interfere  as they don't want to become  victim of their bosses anger ..  Drishti 's illness reason is still unknown to her and she is taking it normally not wanting that small dizziness and vomiting stop her from working , where as for rakshit , It is a big deal he don't want her slightly unfit or ill , so he wanted her to rest and contact the doctor ,even want to take her to the hospital which didn't go well with drishti .. 

After reaching Uttarakhand drishti directly went to the site seeing with her PA and other co-workers , after 4 hours of site seeing they finished with work . Then drishti decided to call rakshit and finally let him know that she is coming back but suddenly everything blackout and last she remember falling down on the ground . 

When she opened her eyes found herself in hospital surrounded by the doctors and  her coworkers ...  

Drishti - guys what happened to me ? and why I am in hospital .. 

 Doc - mam you passed out in the field and your coworkers bring you here , we have done check up just waiting for you to wake up .. How are you feeling now ?

Drishti -  I am fine , so what's problem  I have . Did you call rakshit ? she asked to one of her coworker .. 

Coworker  - no mam we didn't . we are waiting for you to wake up ..  

Doctor - do you want to know about your condition or want to call your husband first ..

Drishti - you can tell me .. I will call him . She said to him picking her phone which I found on adjacent table , she was about to pick up but doctor's next word freeze her on her place . 

Doctor - you are pregnant . 

Drishti - what .. doctor can you please repeat again ?

Doctor - you are 4 weeks pregnant mrs shergill .

Drishti - thank you doctor .. thank you so much .. 

Coworkers - congratulations mam.. she nodded and pick her phone dialed rakshit  no. till now everybody went out of her room giving her personal space  , happy tears were in her eyes .. she felt the person on other side spoke and she started crying making rakshit too much worried .. 

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