Entry of ??

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Drisha - 

I really thought that I am going to die ... when I lost my consciousness in the room .. I was in deep sleep .. I was getting flashes again same ... three people in a car .. accident .. girl hurt her head and shouted "mummmmaaaaaaaa" and I woke up .. my head was hurting me like a hell ... my breathing was better than before but still not fully normal ..than someone asked me .. that I am okay ? this when I noticed my surroundings , I was not in that small room I am in a cabin ..  I look at the person than at the surrounding  .. he is rakshit sir and I am in his cabin and sitting on the sofa .. I nodded slowly .. than asked for my medicine in a broken tone and adil brought my bag then I noticed shreya is also there .. I hurriedly took my medicine and rakshit sir help me with the water .. than we went back to home .. I was in no mood and in no sense to talk and listen to them .. I walk with the help of him and he took me home ... I just want my bed now and I want to sleep to escape from the whole thing happen today .. I think I was unconscious for more than two or three hour at the time we reach home it was  5 already .. I didn't have anything  as I was working that time .. and after that this all thing happen .. as we reach the home .. I was quite .. he helped me and took me to my room .. and made me sat on the bed .. he was looking at the room in amusement as i have done few changes in this room .. the whole room was decorated with indoor plants and my balcony is also full with plants .. I asked the gardener to bring them for me .. I changed curtains they were in dark color but now they were is white so that light can easily pass through ...  

Rakshit - Wow this room is far better than before .. I must say you are a nature lover .. and I chuckled at his comment  .. 

Me -  I am uttarakhand and my place is full of nature so being a nature lover was in my blood .. by the way I am impressed .. The great businessman MR. RAKSHIT SHERGILL  just now praised someone  ... 

Rakshit - It's feel really good .. 

Me - what ?? I asked with a confused face .. 

Rakshit – you are talking after so long .. and unknowingly I blushed at his comment .. what ?? what happen to me I never react like that .... Thank god he was watching the room and didn't see my flushed cheeks I composed my self and then said ..

Me – I don't know you can flirt Rakshit sir ...

Rakshit – I was not flirting I am just stating facts ...

Me –oh really and he nodded ..

Rakshit – I will go inform mom about today's incident and bring some food too .. I nodded as I am damn hungry .. and he went from their .. I saw adil and tej sitting on the bed beside me but quietly .. I signed and said them to come toward me ..

Me- I am sorry .. I said holding my ears .. both came toward me and started licking my face .. it was tickling I started laughing and both made my mood back to normal ... I went to bathroom got changed and went back to room .. as I was getting bored so I started my music player and started playing some hindi and English songs which are my favourites and started dancing like a mad woman with adil and tej who were encouraging me by barking and moving around me .. but I stopped when I felt some gaze on me ... I moved my head in the direction and shouted and jump on my place .. yeah the person is one and only rakshit sir quickly searched for the remote of music system and close it immediately ..

Me – don't you have manners .. you should knock before entering someone's room ...

Rakshit – if I have knocked than how can I will be able to watch such as amazing performance ..

Me – why you are here ??

Rakshit – I brought food for you have it ..

Me – oh thank you I was damn hungry .. I sat on the bed and bring the chair and sat in front of me I was about to have my food .. I noticed it is too much I didn't have this much food for lunch .. I have to maintain my figure .. hahaha .. I laugh inwardly on my thoughts..

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