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Happy mother's day guys 😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰 

Rakshit - 

I was working in my room after giving work to drisha .. I was doing my work it one hour after she left my cabin .. I heard sound of barking .. 

huh ... barking that too be in office how it is possible and this barking seems familiar .. and a different kind of feeling I  have in my heart .. like my close one in danger .. I went out of cabin and saw adil and tej were standing their .. adil was keeping away the guard and all other who was trying to stop them and tej was barking continuously ... all were employees were gathered around and  got sacred looking at me .. I was also shocked our house is not far from here but it take 15 minutes to came here by a car .. I was shocked how they came here and that too broke inside the building with so much security .. but why they are here ?? 

I bend on their level and ruffle their here .. and ask in a worried and strict tone .. 

Me - adil tej what you both are doing here .. 

but they started pulling me as trying to say something ..  I was completely clueless what they are saying .. if drisha would be here than she _ 

wait where is she ? so much drama is going on here and she didn't even come out of her cabin .. Impossible .. till now she must have recognized their voices too..  I saw shreya was their too .. than I look at tej his eyes has tears .. godd .. something is definitely wrong .. 

ME - where is drisha  ? I asked them .. 

Shreya - what you mean by where is drisha sir she went to your cabin after that she didn't return I thought that she is with you and working in your cabin .. 

Me - what but I send drisha to pick some old files from store room than said her to work from her cabin .. 

Shreya - what sir she didn't come in her cabin .. 

Me - call her .. 

Employee - sir these dogs .. 

Me - they are drisha's pet live with her .. you all can go know except security .. check out the cctv footage ... 

 I was getting restless ..I noticed that tej and adil want s me to go with them they were trying to get my attention ... 

Me - adil tej you both knew where is drisha ? they both quickly nodded and 

We run behind them .. they went into that wing were the store was .. that's means she didn't come from the store .. I went their shreya and security guards were with me .. I saw the room was lock from outside .. what ???? but no one locks a room before closing of the office ..

Me – what the hell is this ? how this room is locked ? give me the key right know .. my anger was on peak .. I was literally worried for her ... nor she is picking her phone ... god if anything happen to her .. no no no nothing will happen .. I saw guard coming back whom I send to bring the key ...

Me – give me key .. he was just staring at me .. what ??

Guard – s- sir .. woh ..

Me – yeh woh kya laga rakha hai .. keys kaha hai ..

Guard – sir keys nahi mil rahi ..

Me – what ?? I will deal with you later ... I moved backward and tried to break the door after few failed attempts ... I got successful .. I saw room was totally black there is no source of light nor lights were switched on .. I noticed drisha was lying on the floor .. adil tej rush toward her and started barking and licking her face ... I also went to her pick her head and patted her cheeks but no use she is not gaining consciousness .. now I am getting worried .. I called her name few times ...

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