Bonus - I can't lose you

994 81 16

Get ready for an emotion update .. 

longest chapter ahead ... 

5000 words .. 

cry for me .. I want you to cry .. cry for me ..

Thank you .. 

love you all


Rakshit pov - 

" I will not hear anything find here where she went .. she has been missing from last night .. " I  hung my phone threw it on the bed after hearing that I am still unable to find her .. 

" Rakshit bachha please calm down we will find her , okay " mom said .. 

" Mom how can I calm down .. she is three months pregnant and  I don't know where is she from yesterday ... It was all my mistake .. " I said digging my face in my hand , tear made their way out of my eyes ... 

" rakshit please stay strong why don't you contact sweta ji or smarth ji , they also need to know this matter and may be they know where is she ? "vidya ma said I nodded while wiping my tears and called romi .. 

" hello" 

" hello rakshit how are you ?" romi said picking up my call .. 

" Romi Is drishti there ?" I asked him controlling my emotions .. 

" rakshit what you mean by drishti here .. you don't know where is she right now .. ? " I was unable to answer my voice started cracking .. thoughts of her in danger started occupying  my mind .. 

" Rakshit you are making me scared what happen there and why you are not answering ." He again asked me .. 

" we are unable to find drishti .. she went somewhere without informing us .. " I said to him 

" rakshit drishti came here today morning only and now she had went to my nani 's house to attended our sister 's wedding . when she came here yesterday she was upset , we asked her what happened but she didn't said anything , we wanted to call you but she told that she don't want to talk with anybody nor she wanted to call you all ..  we thought that because of mood swings she is like that .. so we didn't said anything .. Now tell us what exactly happened ?" 

I told a breathe of relief and than said .. 

" I am coming there , can you please make arrangements for me to reach to dristhi . I will inform you everything   by reaching there .. " 

" okay I will arrange everything .. come fast . "  he said 

I told my pilot to get ready my chopper ..  we soon reach there , I Saw romi was waiting  for me with simran and diya .. diya was waving her hand excitedly towards me .. I also waved with a small smile.. 

"rakshit tell us what happen exactly ? why drishti was so upset .. her eyes were red like she was crying whole the time .. " simran asked in worried tone .. 

"let's sit in the car than talk "romi said opening the car door and  hoping in simran sit beside him and me and diya sat on the back seat .. 

" me and drishti fought with each other .. " I said not wanting them to know whole matter .. 

"rakshit tell us the whole matter .. we all know that a small matter can never lead to this much problem ."simran said making me sign .. 

" I want drishti to abort the babies .. " I said looking down in guilt , shame and also in helplessness ..

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