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Both family were happy , they always admire driskhit and shivya , they all love to spend time with each other .. elders know that guruji's every word was right till now ... the bond between the kids is inseparable .. they look like couple .. they love each other but they themselves don't know about it  and treat each other as best friends .. but deep inside their heart the elders know that guruji's word regarding drishti is also going to be true and she is going to get separated from them and they never want the day to come ... both mothers daily pray to the god that the day of separation never come but they also know that we can't change destiny .. 

Sarthak and Vidya were going to  Rishikesh as they were building their farmhouse there .. they got fascinated with the beauty of the beauty and then end up building farmhouse there and now going to visit it ... Drishti also want to go with them so she was pleading them to take her also ... 

Drishti - mom I also want to come please ..  I also want to see that please .. 

Vidya - no baby you know na .. it is far from here we will take 7 hours by the car .. you will get tired .. we will take you next time and you have school too na .. so please  try to understand ..  

Drishti - mumma no please please pretty please I wanna come please mum .. 

Vidya - no - she was about decline her offer but sarthak stop her .. 

Sarthak - It's okay let's take her with us .. she will feel good you know na how much she love nature .. let her come with us .. go and pack your things we are leaving in 2 hours .. 

Drishti - okay dad thank you .. she grinned and ran towards her room .. 

Vidya - are shambal ke { careful }.. and chuck at her happiness for a trip .. 

After some time all three of them left divya have some work so she stayed with shergills .. they went to their farmhouse and check everything they loved the farmhouse and also love the nature and view from their .. after coming back drishti want to visit Jim Corbett national park .. so they went there .. the whole day they enjoyed their .. and at night they were about to come back from their ... sarthak was driving the car but he didn't not knew that what going to happen next .. sarthak and vidya was sitting in front sarthak many time came to Uttarakhand so it is quite easy for him to drive on these roads .. but suddenly a car came from the opposite direction and hit with their car .. 


Everything got blank and both of them slip into darkness .. 

Shergill house , Delhi 

In night everybody is sleeping in their rooms mahima and chetan also sleeping in their rooms . suddenly chetan phone started ringing .. both woke up because of the sound .. 

Mahima - Who is calling you at this time ? 

Chetan - I don't know it is an unknown no . .. he pick up the phone and his expression change within a second he cut the phone call and started getting panic .. 

Mahima - what happen ?

Chetan - we have to leave now .. Sarthak and vidya meet with an accident .. the police call me from there as I was the last person whom sarthak talked with ..  

Mahima -oh god how this happen .. 

Chetan - they don't know just said that two cars were there who hit each other ....  you go and  wake up kids we can't leave them alone .. I will call driver ..  and pack the necessary things .. she nodded , and went towards kids room and without saying anything she woke them and said to   get ready ... they were asking her questions but she didn't anything  .. After sometime everybody went to the hospital in the car .. rakshit  can easily sense the panic and tension in his parents face.. 

Rakshit - mom dad please tell us what happen ? where are we going ? 

Chetan - sarthak and vidya meet with an accident we are going there .. and divya gasp and her eyes getting watery ... rakshit and shikhar console her and soon they all reach hospital they asked about sarthak and vidya and came to know that they didn't get consciousness yet .. they were getting restless by passing second .. rakshit saw the doctor who is treating them and  his question caught their attention .. 

Rakshit- Doctor , where is drishti ? how is she ? 

Doctor - drishti ? who ? aap kiski baat kar rahe ho beta ?  { whom are you talking about ?}

Rakshit - inki beti ki woh bhi inhi ke sath thi .. { their daughter who is with them ..}

Doctor - nahi beta jab police in he yaha layi tab yeh dono hi they iski koi beti nahi thi waha par .. this statement made everybody shocked .. 

{ no child when police brought them here , there is no daughter is there only these two were brought . }

chetan talked with the police and they said that they only found them they didn't found any girl there .. making everybody shocked .. chetan request them for searching of her but they never found her ....... 

Precap - leap .. and meet Drisha 

So guys here is update hope you like it .. '

Where is drishti ? 

Who is drisha ? 

What will happen to sarthak and vidya ?

How will they react when came to know that drishti is missing  ? 

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