Deal & Party

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Hey guys I am really really really sorry .. I know I am bit late so sorry  .. Play the song I fall in love with this song yesterday ..

Warning - long chapter ahead .....     

 Drisha - 

As I opened the door I found a beautiful girl and a handsome boy standing their with a big smile on their face .. the features of boy's face look similar to rakshit sir may be they are relative of sir ..

Oh drisha pagal .. gate se toh hatt .. I mentally facepalm myself then give them smile and moved away from their way they also gave me smile and ran toward mahima aunty and chetan uncle and engulf them in their arms .. the girl hug chetan uncle and the boy went towards mahima aunty .. and both said in the same time ..

Girl/ boy - we miss you ... mahima ma / papa ... and now both exchange and the girl ran toward mahima aunty and boy ran towards chetan uncle again hug them and repeat the same thing ..

both - we miss you chetan papa / mom .. and all of them laugh seeing their childish acts even I also chuckled at their childish act ..

Rakshit - and what about me ... and both ran toward him and both hug him and again said we miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu .. stretching u in a childish way .. I was standing their looking at them and admiring their bond .. 

urghh now I am missing bhai and bhabi ...  

After greeting everybody ... the boy look in my direction confusing like try to figure out who I am ? 

Boy - Bhai who is she ? he said pointing towards me looking at rakshit sir .. 

Rakshit - shikhar she is my _ 

Before he can say anything we heard two loud screams saying OMG and they are the boy and girl .. 

Boy - bhai she is your girlfriend  ..hey future bhabi I am your one and only handsome , clever  , naughty , intelligent Dever  Shikhar shikhar shergill .. he said coming towards my direction .. I was so shocked  that I can't say anything .. when I came back from my shocking world I  was about to stop them saying that I am his PA not what they are thinking .. 

Me - hey no _ 

Girl - what bhabi their no need to getting sky everybody is broadminded here and none have any problem with this relationship so you will be our bhabi soon .. by thee way I am Divya Divya sharma ..Girl friend of this fattu and daughter of this cute little family .. 

Rakshit - can you both shut your mouth , there is nothing like that .. 

Divya - bhai you don't you dare to say anything .. first of you are in relationship and didn't even tell us bhai we are your brother and sister and more than that we are best friends from childhood .. you are the first person whom I told when shikhar proposed me and you don't talk to us .. 

Aunty - divi first listen to us .. 

Divya - no ma you also hide it from us .. shikhar no one need us here now ... she fake cry and hide her face in shikhar's chest .. shikhar also show fake hurt expression and console her .. God I was literally laughing from inside seeing their melodrama they so fun loving person .. 

Rakshit - SHUT UP .. she is not my girl friend and not your soon to be bhabi and you both stop assuming things and apologies to her  .  how can you both say something like a girl not knowing who is ? if you see some other girl with me then you will surely make her mother of my child  .. seriously you both are unbelievable ... 

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