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Rakshit - 

I agreed to go to Uttarakhand and I am really not regretting at all.. our whole journey was good .. first I was working as I was sitting beside driver so it is not good to sleep so I kept working ate night .. I found drisha didn't sleep but shivya slept cuddling to each other .. they were looking cute , Drisha click their picture too .. I said her to sleep for sometime .. she slept soon but woke in few hour shouting mumma .. maybe having some bad dream .. divya and shikhar also woke up hearing her .. divya confront her she just said bad dream and tell them to sleep .. after that she didn't sleep .. tej also came to her from the back seat may be to comfort her .. she also relaxed and started looking out of window with a small smile on her face I was staring at her from the rare view  .. she have a pleasant smile on her face , when she was looking outside with so much happiness in her eyes .. she was looking so beautiful .. i quickly smack my self for thinking like that .. and again get busy in my work .. after few minute I heard drisha voice saying that I can work later on and now enjoy outer view .. she also wake shivya awake and we all enjoyed outside view .. mountains, trees , sky everything is just awesome .. soon she started telling us about her family . I noticed that when she talked about her family her eyes filled with love and adoration .. she really love them .. soon we enter her home or we say mansion it was really not at all like that we have expected .. It was big and beautiful painted in white color .. 

( A/n- I forget to add images in last chapter , so enjoy in this one ) 

We were about to enter her house and tej and adil were quite excited about going inside but she stopped them saying she want to give surprise to them .. she was standing outside but in few minutes we heard sounds of different animals .. dogs , cats , rabbits , and even heard sound  of cow and buffaloes even horses .. but in few minute we found drisha  surrounded by dogs , cats and rabbits some were moving around her some snuggling close to her feet .. she bend down and hug them and ruffle their fur .. god she really love pets .. 

Divya -  these all are yours ? 

Me - yeah .. few stay here few just came to visit .. 

soon we all enter inside her house ..saw a man who was rocking a child in his arms .. she was a girl around 3 or 4 . may be she is diya  about whom drisha was talking and maybe the person is her father .. his head snapped into our direction when he heard sound of our footsteps .. 

men- drishu .. he shouted making the little girl awake and also other family member to come in the hall .. the girl woke up and when she saw drisha she shouted .. 

Girl- bua .. and started  jumping in her father arms  .. and drisha run towards her taking her in her arms and rotating her around making her laugh out loud and kissed her faced .. 

Drisha - bua missed you princess .. 

Girl - me too bua ( in her baby voice ) 

Man- and what about us drisha ..

She placed the girl on her feet and jumped on the man giving him a bear hug .. he also picked her up and rotate her same as she did with the girl ..she laugh and both hug each other .. 

Drisha - I missed you sooooooo much bhai .. still hugging him .. 

Man - me too mera baccha( my baby )  .. and softly pecked her forehead .... till than other family members also arrived .. there was a elderly couple may be her parents and a women few year elder than drisha .. 

Drisha - ijaa ( mumma) ..(she went towards the elder women first touch her feet than hug her .. ) I missed you .. 

Drisha's mom - me too meri jaan( my love)  .. and kissed her forehead .. 

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