A pure reunion of two souls

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MY recent favorite song .. let's get back to the story and I have few news to share .. so please read author note at the end or may be next update which contain important announcement  ..  

Rakshit - 

I was in another room down stair  and getting ready suddenly my phone beeped .. It was a message from drishti .. 

"HELP " 

What happen ?  

I rushed towards her room and saw lavanya standing there fuming in anger and her hand was raised to hit drishti , before she can hit her I pulled her backward and hug drishti .. due to sudden force lavanya stumble back .. I took drishti in my embrace .. I was so afraid if anything happen to her .. my anger was at peak .. how dare she ? I knew that she had some kind of feeling for me but I never paid attention to it and don't give any signal like that ..I made it very clear from the beginning that we are just friends .. still she was behind me .. warn people to stay away from me but today .. she crossed her limits .. she tried to hit my drishti .. 

"Are you okay " I asked drishti and cup her face check that she didn't got any kind of hit or injury .. 

"I am  fine " she said in a small voice .. I think she is afraid she didn't expect lavanya to become this wild and tried to hit her  .. 

" rakshit you don't know what she did .. she is a fraud .. she didn't told us her real name .. she is faking her identity and making fool of you all .. she is marrying you just for money and nothing as .. she is a bloody gold digger .. " lavanya said and  beofre she can said anything .. I spoke .. 

"Shut up lavanya not a word .. other wise consequences will be bad  .. and I will not regret before doing something wrong " my anger was at peak .. I am really not going to regret if I did something to this girl .. I continued .. 

" What you think I don't know about your damn obsession on me .. you think I don't know about your warnings to my staff specially female to stay away from me and don't dare to come close to me .. even you did much more than that and I don't need to elaborate it .. but enough is enough .. I didn't said anything before indirectly  you were helping me by keeping all of them away because I already have someone in my life .. not from today not from yesterday not from a year , from my childhood .. I was already madly in love with a girl from the day she was born .. and the girl was standing beside me .. my childhood love drishti sharma .. and I will not hear a single word against her .. so please leave from here or I will myself make  you leave .. " I said in stern and angry voice ..  

" But rakshit .. I love you from the college days ... for you I become your partner in office .. for you I did so many things.. and you are saying you are in love with this girl " Lavanya said accepting her emotions for me .. 

" Look lavanya .. it's enough I already explained you enough now please don't make your self any kind of villain and move on in your life .. me and  drishti are meant to be .. now it's upto you if you want to attend wedding or not .. you will be always my friend but nothing more than that .. I loved drishti and always love her .. So please you can leave now .. " I said .. I don't want her to destroy  her life for me ..   she went from there .. I turned towards drishti  but stumble down due to sudden hug .. yes she hugged me  tightly .. I also wrapped my arms around her .. 

"I am blessed to have you in my life " she said this line which is far enough for me ..  I hugged her back tightly ... 


I am in the mandap waiting for my beautiful wife oh sorry to be wife to enter ..  .. 

Soon she enter when pandit ji called cladded in a red lehenga .. looking breathtaking beautiful .. soon he started chatting mantras and we took seven rounds of holy fire  .. I tied nuptial chain round her neck .. filled her partition with sindoor and she is mine .. she is my wife.. 

We are finally married .. 


 Hey everyone .. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter .. 

NOW listen to me very carefully .. I ma going to visit my home town Uttarakhand and due to which I will not be able to update .. I am not taking my phone with me as my brother and sister need it because their all online work is coming in that only .. so I am not going to update for next month and may be more than that .. I update from my laptop and  it is also not possible to take it also .. may be I will be able to read your updates from my relatives phone or may be not .. 

I am sorry for leaving like this but I needed it the most .. a break from my life .. which is becoming too much to handle .. all other reason I am going to write in other update .. for now .. A big bye .. 

I will be leaving 11 sep night .. So bye everyone ..

Thank you 


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