First day in Uttarakhand

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Hey guys I have updated the last chapter but I can't able to publish the whole few lines were left .. I can't able to change anything in that chapter and nor able to add image or anything  .. so

Rakshit - 

 Romi - drisha please help me na  .. please sing the song  ... 

Drisha - but bhai me - 

Romi- please drishu .. 

Divya - haan drisha vaise bhi toh tum itna achha gati ho .. 

Drisha - ok fine but mera naam kahi mat dalna .. 

Romi - okay .. 

Both of them went inside the room and soon started singing .. diya who was sitting on drisha's lap  till now came towards me and sign me to pick her up and I pick her up and placed her on my lap and soon we started enjoying their song both were signing so perfectly  .. both were amazing singers they were singing some song in their language which also contain hindi lines  too 

( You can go and watch the video song too on youtube .. )

The song was amazing both came back from the room .. diya went to hug them and same goes with divya .. both were excited .. they really love their song and me too they have amazing voice  especially drisha but everytime I listen to her voice made me feel something different something which I was missing from past years .. remind me of someone  .. whom we can easily understand ..

Soon we left from there and went back to her home but  stopping car in middle of road to get some beautiful pics .. '


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( Pics are clicked  by my sis )  

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( Pics are clicked  by my sis )  

its already evening .. when we reached home .. soon aunty served us dinner we all ate with everyone sitting on the roof today they have arranged lights there .. It was peaceful having dinner with a family laughing , chattingly .. We never felt out of place we were like their own son or daughter .. they were treating us like that .. after dinner we all youngsters  were sitting on the roof . talking with each other about random stuffs .. I was sitting on the floor My back was against the wall of the roof drisha were sitting beside me diya was with her as always and shikhar and divya were on other side hugging each other but we all have no problem as they were like this from childhood but drishti 's - 

leave it .. Romi and simran were also sitting in front of us both were side hugging each other .. they were sitting comfortably and both look so much in love .. we all were talking about many things ..  my business , drisha's job , romi's songs and much more .. it was around 9 pm and  hell I never slept at this time but here everybody sleep around 8 pm even uncle aunty also went to sleep .. saying all of us goodnight .. Drisha and diya were sleepy beside me and  divya was also sleepy due to the journey and all .. actually divya already slept .. 

Shikhar - bhai we are going divya slept .. I will make her sleep in her room and than went to mine .. I nodded and both went shikhar pick her up in his arms and took her from there .. 

Romi - diya is also sleepy we should also get going you both can sit here or move to your room ..  he pick diya in his arms who were about to sleep in drisha's arms .. 

Now me and drisha were sitting here I was busy in admiring the beautiful sky which is clear unlike in delhi everything is cover with the layer of pollution .. I never notice the person beside me is extremely  quite from sometime .. I was about to glance at her sudden I felt her falling in my direction .. OH she slept .. she fall on me her head was on my shoulder .. when I moved my hand to straight her she placed her head on my chest and slept making her self more comfortable .. . I tried to wake her up by patting her cheeks but everything went in vain .. I think she is a deep sleep so only option left now I picked her up and took her to her room .. I made her sleep on her bed soon I saw adil and tej also came and lay down beside her she also cuddle with them .. I don't know what happen to me I kissed her forehead and  ruffle dogs hair and went to my room ...  

I really felt strange when I took her in my arms .. like like I knew her she is someone dear to me ..  soon I slept thinking about the strange feeling in my heart ... 

Author - 

Both slept peacefully after sometime .. both didn't know that this journey will change their life and give them back which they were lacking from last years .. give peace to their hearts ... 

Next morning as always drisha woke up due to the nightmare and like old time went to the balcony and started playing her guitar and singing her favorite song which has especially connection with her heart not knowing the fact that someone is watching her with tear filled eyes .. 







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