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Drisha - 

 I woke up from the deep sleep  .. I  look up to the clock and found it's 12 pm .. 


I never slept this long after that I notice myself that I am in the same dress which I wore last night and I am tooo tried to remove it and I just lay down on my bed throwing my heels and removing make up in half sleepy state .. .. yeah last night I came back at 1 am .. god i was so much tried .. than yesterday event come trashing into my mind .. I remember my performance .. than our dance which I really don't know how I got that much comfortable with him .. I never got comfortable with any man before heck I never dance with anyone before except my brother even I learn dancing from my bhabi and bhai .. and I personally love salsa which I perform yesterday due to little bit naughtiness of shikhar and divya .. I perform many times in my school and college alone and with group also so I don't have any kind of stage fear ..  so performing in front of someone is not a big deal for me ...  but when It comes to dancing with opposite gender makes me nervous I don't know I never get comfortable in dancing with someone .. but yesterday when  shreya placed my hand over rakshit sir's hand I don't know why I didn't feel 1 percent of uncomfortableness ... our dance was also came naturally like we were born partners .. 

After whole event  I went to sir saying I am taking leave but what he did made my heart beat 10 times faster .. this never happen before .. he came near me and said in my ear that I am a good partner and with a pause dance partner ..  but not for a second I felt uncomfortable .. nothing made me uncomfortable not his closeness nor him .. instead of that it give me a feeling of being save and protected ..  I don't know what's all is this .. 

thank god I don't have office today .. I found adil and tej beside me but they are wide awake .. god they must be hungry .. 

Me - aww you both are hungry .. sorry I slept overtime .. 

they both bark like saying it's okay I bring some biscuit from them which I kept with myself for them I gave to them than got fresh and up and wore my dress  and made my way to shergill house .. to look after some work and to add little bit food in my tummy ... I went inside shergill mansion .. saw I half sleepy shikhar and divya .. with a working rakshit sir and mahima aunty  and uncle who were looking at their kids with amazement .. this is because rakshit sir is working on laptop , shikhar is placing his head on his shoulder and practically sleeping on him and divya was placing her head on shikhar shoulder and putting her whole weight on them .. these guys are really amazing ..  they can made anyone's mood better .. 

Me - guys why are you sleeping as far as I know I did the most of the work .. I made my appearance waking them from their lazy self .. and I sat beside uncle and  aunty not before greeting them .. 

Divya - hey when you came ? 

Me - just now .. now you tell me why are you sleeping as far as I know you didn't do anything except creating dramas and throwing challenges to others .. 

Divya - but that was the toughest job making two mad people dance and made a mad girl sing .. 

Me - really mad .. If i am mad that what about you ? 

Rakshit - she is super mad .. 

me - completely right .. for one second I forget I was talking with my boss but than realise what I did so quickly cover it .. 

Me - actually I came here for some food aunty if you don't mind can I have something .. I didn't have my breakfast too ... and after that is there any work for me sir so that I can complete it ? 

Aunty- I knew it you must be hungry ..I have already arrange lunch and now everybody have their lunch .. and  do your work after lunch .. 

after  lunch we did little bit pending work .. we were working but divya's question gained my attention .. 

Divya - bhai where are you taking your employees in this year for trip ? 

Me - trip ? what kind of trip Divya ? 

Divya - you don't know rakshit bhai 's company every year send their employees for trip to get relaxed and enjoy sometime with their family and friends .. 

Me- woah that's great I didn't knew about it ? 

Rakshit - this year I am not taking them any where I have given them 10 days leave they can enjoy with whom they want and can go to their beloved places .. 

Me- and when we are receiving these 10 days leaves ? 

Rakshit - after a week .. 

and a beautiful smile made heer way toward my lips as I am going to meet mumma papa .. after a week and going to spend 10 days with them .. woahhh


Divya - haww that mean bhai we are not going anywhere ? 

Rakshit - no .. 

Shikhar - what no bhai this is not possible , how can you do this with us .. we really want to go somewhere .. and by the way drisha what is the reason behind of your smile .. 

Divya- yeah where  are you planing to go ? 

me - I will go to my home town ... idea of meeting mumma papa is the reason behind this smile .. 

Shikhar - oh really .. 

me - yupp .. by the way why don't you both come to my hometown .. it will be fun .. you will enjoy it .. 

Rakshit - your hometown .. you mean uttarakhand .. 

Shivya( together )  - we all are coming and bhai is also coming .. yehhhhhhhhhhh 

Precap - hometown and drisha 's truth is on way .. 


Hey my lovely readers .. sorry for late and short update .. but hope you all like it .. 

finally drisha's truth is going to come out .. 

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