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Hey My lovely readers , okay I am really solllllyyyyyyyyyy ,,, guys I was suffering from Secret Typhoid .. why secret I will tell you in end of this chapter ... now enjoy the chapter .......

And yeah thank you so much for 150 followers ... love you all ..... 


Rakshit - 

I was working and as usual divya and shikhar were annoying me but Am I working .. No I tried to work really hard but things of yesterday night  was coming into my mind again and again .. our dance ... our comfortness ... our chemistry everything remind me of 'her' .. but it can't be possible if she is her than surely she came to me and tell us that she is drishti .. but no nothing happened ... okay now focus  on work .. 

soon drisha came and started doing work .. divya remind me about trip but this year I have cancelled and give my employees holidays ...  they were started taking to drisha where she want to go .. she replied she is going to meet her parents .. that is she is going to uttarakhand .. uttarakhand the place where I lost drishti .. but the place can't do anything right .. but  I really want to go their once but never got the courage to go , shikhar and  divya knew about it .. and  when I said uttarakhand  they agreed within a second and  even said I am also coming .. I didn't said anything as I want to go their .. hope fully this visit is good and hopefully we can meet my drishti ... 

 I was in my room shikhar and divya enter ... 

Shikhar - bhai we are sorry .. we just said that you are also coming but do you really want to come with us ?? 

Divya - haan bhai you don't have to force yourself if you don't want too .. 

Rakshit - I want to go their once .. and this is perfect opportunity .. 

Shikhar - okay than pack your bags ... I already told drisha about it and  she is arranging things for us .. we asked mom dad if they want to come but they said they don't want to go somewhere right now .. so we are going ..  we are going to take our car but with a driver so that we can take rest ... 

Rakshit - done ..  you have prepared everything .. 

Divya - no he didn't drisha did .. 

Rakshit - that's I thought how this useless did so much work .. 

Shikhar- hey I am not useless .. 

Divya - yes you are .. no doubt in that .. 

And we both laughed and he pouted like a kid ... soon we decided that we are leaving on Saturday night and today is Friday we decided to pack our clothes and necessary stuffs .. drisha also came and proposed the idea of leaving in her house and we all agree after little bit of pleadings ..

Drishti –

I am packing my bags , I am quite excited to meet my parents , bhai bhabi and my diya .. I want to give them surprise so I didn't told that I am coming .. we decided to leave on Saturday night .. rakshit sir shikhar and divya are coming with me ..

Saturday night

We all are ready to leave driver is waiting for us .. we put our bags in the car , we all settle down and adil and tej also settle down on back seat .. rakshit sir decided to sit next to driver and we three sat on back seat and adil and tej were on last seats .. it was night time as always rakshit sir was busy in his laptop I decide to read a book and shikhar and divya were watching movie .. soon they both fell asleep divya head on shikhar's chest and shikhar was holding her possessively .. I click their picture they look so good .. rakshit sir notice me clicking their pics and he smiled looking at them ..

Me- they look cute ..

Rakshit – they are .. you are not feeling sleepy ..

Me – no not now .. I lied but when I yawn he understand that I lied ...

Rakshit – yeah .. you can sleep for sometime I am going to awake .. I have some work ..

I agreed as I was really sleepy .. I slept

" mumma mumma

Mummmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "

I woke up , I was sweating .. I saw divya , shikhar and rakshit sir looking at me with tensed face .. I think I shouted loudly ..

Divya – are you okay ??

Me- yeah just a bad dream.. they all relaxed .. tej jumped from back seat and sat on my lap in order to make me feel comfortable .. soon I started moving my fingers through his hairs and started listening to songs .. and rest of the ride went good .. 

Precap - driha 's home .. 


Hey guys first of all really sorry .. for not updating not replying to your comments  and for making you all wait .. and sorry for short update too .. 

As I told you I am suffering from secret typhoid .. secret because I was ill from 15 - 20 days but I didn't pay any heed to it nor even my parents .. as I result i suddenly lost 5 kg wait in a week and there are dark circles around my eyes .. my face turned pale .. i was getting tired easily without doing anything and also started feeling dizzy .. so finally my father took me to the doctor and he said to go and do blood test and in evening I found out I was having typhoid and I have to visit doctor daily in morning and evening till 5 days for check up and injection due to  which my father was also at home .. so as a result I can't able to write .. 

And because I didn't write anything from many days , my writing speed is also reduced and it's become hard for me to write long chapters .. I will try my best to write long chapter .. 

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