Drisha is Drishti ?

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 Author POV

After spending some great tie with everybody rakshit and  drisha went back to their room .. rakshit came back after few minute and started searching for her parents found both of them in their room .. he knocked their door .. and heard a come in ..

Rakshit - hello uncle aunty ..   

Drisha's dad - are aao beta andar aao ... 

Rakshit - uncle woh .. woh mujhe aap dono kuch important baat karni thi ... 

Drisha's Mom - are haan beta tum shubh bhi bol rahe the aao na betho .. 

He sat on the adjacent sofa and took deep breathe .. 

Rakshit - this is really important and  I want you both to hear me very carefully .. his voice was strict and serious  making both of them alert they both were shocked for a second but composed themselves .. 

Drisha 's dad - we are listening to you .. you can say anything .. 

Rakshit - okay I don't know how to say and ask but I am directly asking as I am not that kind who can  make stories .. I would like to come directly on the question .. It's about drisha .. 

Drisha's Mom - what about drisha ? 

Rakshit - Drisha is not your biological daughter Am I right ? 

this question made both of them shocked . they both don't know what to say .. their face went pale .. rakshit knew that this question is really hard for all of them .. they treated her like their own daughter .. .. 

Drisha's mom- no .. no what you are saying there is nothing like that ..  she is my daughter .. she shouted on the last line .. 

Rakshit - aunty please relax I don't her to hear write now .. so please .. 

Drisha's dad - yeah she is not our biological daughter how did you know ? 

Rakshit - because she is my dad's friend daughter .. she is divya's twin sister .. her real name is drishti .. 

Drisha's Mom - what .. did they know ? he nodded his head as no .. 

Rakshit - we all used to live together my mum and drishti 's mum are close friends same went with my father and his father .. we used to live a happy life .. me and drishti were inseparable same goes with shikhar and  divya even now to they are inseparable .. but everything changed one day we were sleeping drishti and her parents came to uttarakhand for some work and we got a call from police of uttarakhand and we came to know their car met with an accident .. we all rushed to uttarakhand in middle of night .. we find them in an hospital and they were injured but alive .. but we were not able to find drishti .. we all searched every near by place .. even police can't able to do anything .. police told us that the back door of the car was open and she must have been jump out of the car .. bur 11 year gone we were not able to find her out .. drishti was my other half .. she was the only person whom I was so comfortable .. I never had many friends but she was my best friend , my true friend .. 

his eyes were clearly showing the pain he went through all this . his eyes held sadness , sorrow , pain and what not which is not got unseen by her parents .. 

Drisha's dad - you mean to say drisha is drishti ?

Rakshit - hmm he nodded .. 

Drisha's mom - how can you be so sure ? 

Rakshit - The first day she entered in my home something in her which always been familiar with me she continuously reminding me of drishti .. sometimes her habits , her talks or may be her skills .. I was not sure but when I heard singing our favorite song this morning my every doubt got clear .. you must be thinking how can a song make me so sure .. so let me tell you when we were young .. she got fascinated with music and signer and  her favorite song was humnava mere and she want to learn guitar and singing .. for which I also learn guitar and singing .. and we used to practice on the same song .. she was never able to sing the male version because it was only me who sing with her .. so she never learned the male portion .. when I heard her singing this morning ..she was trying hard but not able to sing my part .. which made me sure than I went inside her room when she was not there and  found her childhood pics .. 

he showed them the childhood pic he took from her room and also show them drishti's childhood pic which was on her phone .. till now they both completely understand that drisha is drishti .. and the same photo confirmed all things .. 

Rakshit - even I did a background check on her and find out that her date of birth is the same date on which we lost drishti .. only year was different  ... this clear everything but there are still few question in my mind .. why she can't able to recognize us .. what happen to her , why she is in hospital in this image .. 

Drisha's dad - Almost 11 years ago .. I went to almora ( place in uttarakhand )  for some work ..but when I was coming back I saw a girl lying on the road and her head was bleeding .. she was injured also .. I look around but not able to found out that what happened to her .. the above road was also very far .. if she was fall from there so there were no chances of her being alive .. I quickly took her to my car and drove her to the hospital but seeing her condition they refused to take her .. I than came back to my hometown and took her to the hospital which we had here .. the doctor as my friend ..and a kind man .. he treated her but when she open her eyes she didn't remember anything we don't know what to do .. we had no idea who is in .. we tried to contact police but they can't do anything as there were no clue about her parents or something . so we tell her that she is our daughter and  she fell from a mountain that's why she didn't remember anything .. from that day we treated her like our daughter never let her feel that she is not our daughter ..  

they all were discussing about her but they all don't know that there is an another person also who was listening to their each and every word and tears were rolling down her eyes... 

Precap - let it be a suspense .. 

hey guys hope you all enjoy chapter .. 

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