Wedding ????

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Drishti - 

After two days ...  mom and dad - vidya sarthak , maa papa - smarth swati 

 It's been two days since mom , dad (vidya and sarthak )mahima ma and chetan papa came .. finally I got my memory back .. When I saw mom , my head started paining some blur images started coming in front of my eyes .. I soon I lost my consciousness and felt someone wrapping arms around me .. 

when I woke I remember everything .. how we spend my wonderful childhood that accident that changed my life .. I remember everything .. I called mom ma .. and told her that I remember everything and  soon everyone hugged me .. but between two days I noticed ma and papa ( drisha's parents )  behaviour  they were little bit distance from me .. SO today I decided to talk to them ..they were in their room and I went to their room  ..

Me- may I come in .. I knocked their door .. 

Maa- are aao na knock kyu kar rahi ho .. aaj se pehle toh aisa kabi nahi kiya 

Me - aaj se pehle mere maa papa ne mujhe aise ignore bhi nahi kiya 

Papa - ignore humne kab tumhe ignore kiya .. 

Me- achha toh aap pichle do dino se kya kar rahe hai .. they tensed and started looking away from me .. ma papa Is there anything which is bothering you ? I asked and got nothing but silence .. I understand that what the matter really is  ... I bend to their level and hold their hands ...

Me- maa papa .. I know thing s have changed but no one can changed the fact that whatever am today is only because of you both .. SO stop stressing yourself and now cheer up .. I am your daughter and I will be your daughter .. 

ma papa smiled and kissed my forehead ..  

In evening everyone was sitting in the hall .. we asked to gather in the hall by mahima maa and chetan papa .. they wanted to talk something Important and   we have no idea about that ..  

Chetan papa - So there is something which we have to tell you all .. I know this is not the correct time for it .. but sooner is better , So as you all know me and sarthak were childhoods friends and even our wives too .. when divya and drishti born we went to my father in law  who was a great priest and an astrologer .. he told us something about their future and their kundali .. 

Mahima ma - my father told us that we will lost drishti for years .. that time we can't able to understand anything and we were happy so we didn't really paid attention towards it .. he told us in puzzle which is hard to solve and we solve it after everything happened and after we lost her .. and we came to know that everything he said was true and drishti will be back that's why we never consider her .. hear dead .. and always waited for her .. 

Vidya mom - I know you all must be wondering why we are telling you all this the reason is that he said something as also and  we think the time has come to make his prediction true .. 

Smarth papa - you are confusing us what you are talking about ? please tell us clearly .. 

Shikhar - haan maa you never told us about this 

Vidya maa- that was not necessary at that time but now it is  ..  So the main thing is .. he said that rakshit should get married before he turned 27 and there is only one month left .. 

Rakshit - What are you saying vidya maa .. 

Mahima maa- yeh sach hai tumhari shadi tumhare 27 saal ke hone se pele ho jani chahiye nahi toh tumhari jaan ko katra hai .. 

Rakshit - mom you too .. do you really believe this nonsense .. 

Sarthak dad- yes we do because we have already faced the consequences of not believing it by loosing our daughter for years .. 

Me - I think there is something more than just getting rakshit sir marry before he turned 27 .. 

mahima maa - yeah there is .. my sons and vidya's daughter made for each other .. 

Shikhar , divya , me and rakshit  sir all shouted in unison - What ??????

 Sarthak papa - no need to shout guys I know everything is overwhelming but you all need to think about it with a cool mind ,, by the way why did you bot shouted .. we all know you both love each other .. yeah it is shocking for drishti and  rakshit because they met after so many years but why did you both reacted like that .. you must be dancing from  inside ... 

making us all laugh and chill the environment little bit ,.. 

Chetan papa - okay joke apart .. this is decided at the time of your birth .. but still you love someone as than we have no problem .. 

Rakshit - no dad is nothing like that but wedding suddenly ..  it's only being few days since everything settle down finally we met drishti .. don't you think this is fast and  what about drishti 's decision.. 

All the time I am silent not knowing what to do and say .. I know i have a soft corner for rakshit sir and even we have some connection but marring each other was never a thought ..

Chetan papa -  I think drishti will marry  a person whom her parents will decide .. 

Color drained out of my face  I don't know which parents they are talking about  .. if they are talking about vidya mom and dad than what about smarth papa and maa .. they raised me as their own and they surely have some thoughts of my marriage in their mind  .. I glance in their way they were sitting silently not knowing what to do .. 

Mahima ma- so let us ask to her parents ..  she moved her head towards smarth papa and swati maa and than started  saying  .. 

Mahma maa -  I know  everything happen is too overwhelming but for now you just forget everything and treat us as someone who came to ask your daughter hand for marriage .. 

Vidya mom - you all know my son is a kohinor and we are here to ask your daughter's hand for my son .. he loved her from the day she born .. and I really think you should think about this alliance for once .. 

This line makes everyone shock .. she was asking my hand for maariage from  smarth papa and swati maa  .. they both also visibly shocked .. 

Precap - raksha bandhan and some fun ..

I hope you all enjoyed it .. 

I will try to update soon .. 

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