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 hey guys thank you everyone .. I will take care of my self and now I am better than before .. 

i am really really sorry .. for late update but I was also stuck .. so really sorry .. 

Drishti - 

After the ride of 8 hours we finally reached my hometown , we stopped near a shop and I brought some things for diya and few things for everyone .. specially I brought Bal mithai ..  

 The whole ride was awesome after my beauty sleep which is broken by a dream or we can say nightmare , I enjoyed the beautiful journey and the scenery of outside .. I woke up at 4 am when sun is about to rise which make nature more beautiful .. I woke everyone up and also told rakshit sir to stop working and enjoy the view of outside .. the natural beauty , mountains trees .. beautiful sky and fresh air which was making atmosphere so soothing and relaxing .. this is what I love about my home town it's natural beauty .. this fresh and free environment .. this is heaven ..

Rakshit sir and shikhar also pick few things... I picked up my favorite mithai I mean sweet ' balmithai ' yeah it was the name of a sweet and it is very famous and specially made in uttarakhand mainly in ranikhet and almora .. as I was placing the box inside the car divya saw me ..

Divya- hey what is it ?? bal mithai , strange name ??

Me- yeah but it taste very good .. it is specially made in uttarakhand and mainly found in ranikhet and almora .. taste it ...

Divya – Hmm.. it's nice .. I really like it .. guys you can also try .. little sweet didn't hurt ..

Both boys also taste it I also gave some to driver , everybody like it ..

Shikhar – this is awesome ..

Me – so guys ready to meet my people ..

Divya – yeah but tell us about your hometown and all ... we really have no idea about your people ...

Me – okay so let me introduce my people to you all .. so start from my family ... okay wait let me take my laptop so I will show you their pictures also ..

Shikhar – okay done ... bhai you also move this side .. no need of showing attitude ..

Rakshit- fine ..

I removed my laptop from my bag and open it started showing them my family pics ..

Me- so let's start .. he is my baju , I mean papa .. we address papa as baju .. he is strict as well as a loving person .. and I am his favorite daughter .. in other words I am the most pampered child .. she is my ija I mean mum , she is a sweet lady and a lovely mom .. he is my bhai ... my big brother and I forget to tell you that he is very much overprotective .. I mean I have to lie that company is offering me to place to live otherwise there are no chances that I have come here and join this company and can able to made beautiful friend like you all .. she is my bhabi my best friend .. she is also lovely and always there to support me .. she is the one who select the outfit and also saved me from my bro and reduce the scolding which I was getting wearing such a outfit ..and smallest member of my family .. she is diya my niece .. cutest kid and naughty too .. you talked with her ...

Rakshit – yeah I did .. she is soo cute ... she was complaining about her bua . I mean drisha ..

Shikhar- you talked with child .. did you have that much patience ?

And we all laugh .. and shikhar received a smack on his head for making fun of rakshit sir .. soon we reach my home .. I am so excited to meet everyone ..

Me- okay one minute we will be there in few minutes .. and I didn't inform anybody that I am coming with my few friends .. it is a surprise for them .. and yeah one more thing I want to clear it is my home so there will be some rules which we have to follow ..

Divya- rules??

Me- not like that some common rules so we didn't forget about our roots .like having food with whole family and only sitting on the floor there will be no dining table here .. and just like that ..

Rakshit – miss Sharma its completely alright .. we have no problem in doing such things and we also don't required any special treatment .. so its alright ..

Divya- yeah we came with you only to see the real village and their lifestyle not for some special treatment ..

After little introduction of my family we finally arrive my home sweet home .. our car went inside the small road which leads to our home .. actually my home is a kind of small mansion but really beautiful ..

Our car stopped and driver parked the car and we all came down ..

Divya – wow this is beautiful I didn't expect something like this ..

Me –Thank you .. now let's go let me surprise them .. god I am so excited to see them.. let's go let's go .. bhaiya you wait I will send someone to pick the bags and all ..

As I was nearing my gate my friends started making noises they came to know about it adil and tej were also excited they were about to run inside but I stopped them .. as I want to give them surprise .. but my surprise was ended before it going to start as my all lovely pets sensed my presence and came running to me and started running around me and snuggling close to my feet .. I sat down and they started licking my face and making noises ..

Divya- Aww.. how lovely ..

Shikhar-Yeah I don't know you have so many pets ..

Me- they are more .. I have any pets I love animals you will meet different animals here few live here and few just came to visit me ... now let's go inside ...

I went inside saw my brother is holding diya in his arms and rocking her ,, she is still sleepy ..  oh I forget to tell you it's just 8 am in the morning .. we went inside and my brother faced snapped into our direction .. 

brother- drishu ... 

precap - family meet .. 

hey my lovely readers I am extremely sorry for not updating up .. and for not replying on your comments .. but i was really stuck .. so really really sorry .. I will try to update soon .. 

and  again sorry for short update .. my mind is not working properly now a days that's why nothing is coming into my mind .. so sorry for this crap ... 

And I was not fully active on wattpad that's why I came to know that we had lost few amazing stories .. I really hate the person who did this .. this is really unbelievable .. how can somebody do that .. it's not like that we are gaining some money from writing so why you blocked other's account and report about them .. which had nothing offensive .. I can't believe someone can stand this low .. 

thank you for understanding 

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please forgive your silly writer .. 

thank you 


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