Chapter 88: Girlfriend.

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Alexander sent a message to his parents regarding Beatrice and her reaction to a meeting with him... needless to say that you were furious. Tom sent a warning to the Black family, in there he explained that if Beatrice tried anything with Alexander, things wouldn't end well for any of them.

Draco realized that Beatrice wasn't fawning over Alexander because he was handsome or because he was a pureblood, no, the main reason she was doing all of this so called fangirling, was because Alexander was famous. His appearance and leneage were an added bonus, however her main interest was having a famous boyfriend who she could flaunt to others.

The son of the Dark Lord and the current Headmistress of Hogwarts, that was the title Alexander had over his head.... not that he seemed to care though. However, it soon became clear that Beatrice was aware of one more thing, Luna Lovegood. 

Draco didn't really like Luna but he thought that even she was a better match than this selfish lunatic who wanted fame. Thankfully, her parents eventually came and took her back, they did try to get close to Alexander but Lucius reminded them that they had a more important matter to deal with, mainly trying to appease you and Tom. If they believed that after all that, they would escape without a good beating, then they had been completely oblivious to all the events that had occured all these years. Narcissa also gave them the cold shoulder, seeing as Beatrice was pretending to be like Bellatrix... which was quite the insult considering everything that had occured.

After all that, Harry had also joined Draco and Alexander... and despite the weirdness of the situation, they weren't trying to beat the living hell out of each other. 

"So, what do you think about the Black girl?" Harry asked, cleaning his glasses as he talked.

"I don't like her, not only because she's trying to act like Bellatrix... but she's bad at it too. Like, really bad."

"I never thought you'd say that." Draco answered as he looked at him.

"Were you expecting me to say something about her parents? Because I don't really have the right to judge."

"Your parents and my parents aren't like that." Draco pointed out and Harry nodded in agreement.

"That doesn't mean I should judge them just because what they did is wrong."

"Since when did you become so forgiving?" Harry teased, trying to make the mood lighter.

"Look, with only three exceptions, the Black family is insane."

"Can't argue with that." Both Harry and Draco responded in union.

"I just don't want to get involved with them. I respect miss Narcissa, I respect my uncle Sirius and I respect miss Andromenda as well. But I don't like the rest of their family."

"So, now what?"

"I don't know. My parents are mad and that Beatrice girl mentioned Luna... I don't want her to be sad or concerned for anything."

"Don't take this the wrong way...but she doesn't really seem like the kind of person whose mind stays on the ground along with her body." Draco commented and Alexander sighed.

"She is a bit absent minded but I love that about her... and I really like that she doesn't hide who she really she is... that's why I don't want her to be targeted by the Black family."


Harry's laughter made both boys look at him shocked. Alexander was confused and Draco soon became angry with Harry's reaction. Given the situation... laughing was a bit mean.

"Why are you laughing?!" Draco questioned annoyed.

"You seriously think (Name) will let something happen to Luna? At all?"

"I'm sure my mom won't just sit and watch but still! How much will she be able to do?"

"Alexander, your mom sees Luna like a daughter in law already... and considering that Luna is your first relationship, you might really end up marrying her since you see breaking up as something monstrous."

"Not if both sides want to. But usually, someone is bound to get hurt and I don't like it!" Alexander groaned with a small blush as the other two burst out laughing.

"Okay, so... were you serious about headmistress (Name) seeing Luna as a daughter in law?" Draco asked and Harry smiled.

"The only thing she hasn't done is asking Luna to call her "mother". She's sent her too many gifts to count, taught her as many things as possible for babies, she's had too many sleepover's at your house and even asked if the things between you two are okay ... yeah, she's getting ready for it."

By the time Harry stopped talking, Alexander was a completely red... and he couldn't say a word. His mother was seriously going that far?! How did he not know?! 

The other two boys decided to tease him some more about it, since the mood was finally more cheerfull. And Alexander just grew more embarassed by it, wishing that he could just disappear.

Meanwhile, you and Tom were meeting with Beatrice and her parents. They stood in front of you while you glared at them... that little stunt of theirs wouldn't come to pass so easily. Especially after that letter Alexander sent you about how that little girl acted towards him.

"I know you told her to go and I know that you took too long on purpose to take her back. So let me be clear about one thing... I don't support  this wedding and I don't want one of you Blacks in my house."

"But I believe you've already accepted two members of the family." The father of the girl argued.

"Narcissa is now a Malfoy and Sirius actually changed his last name to mine. Looks like you're not as welcomed as you thought." You shot back with a small smirk.

"Miss (Name), this marriage is for the good of the pureblood's leneage! At this rate, there will be no more purebloods left in this society."

"You mean in your family. And that's your problem, not ours." Tom stated with an annoyed look, sure he had been first in line in favor of a pureblood society but after all this drama and everything that he had done to have you, the last thing he needed was his past coming to get his son.

"My lord! How could you say that?!"

"You had your unstable daughter close to my son and decided that they should meet each other without our knowledge... should I see this as treason?" He scoffed coldy, sending a bone chilling glare towards them.

"Let's not keep this up any further, my son will not be forced in a marriage with a girl that doesn't respect personal space and has a problem understanding basic manners. As for her being the product of incest, I will not make a comment because I don't have any rights to judge. However, there will be no talks of marriage." 

And with that you brought your wand out, waved it in silence as the front door opened, signaling them to leave. Beatrice shot a glare at you but upon seeing your expression,  she had chills run down her spine, she recalled that you were feared not only because of your status as the dark lords lover... but also because your influence and your abilities stretched way further than that of her parents.

The three of them left silently though you knew that this wouldn't be the end, not by a long shot. That Beatrice was everything you hated on a woman, not only was she pretending to be as unstable as Bellatrix, though it was clear she wasn't anything like her, she was also aiming for something more. She was aiming in gaining the support of your family and Tom's, thus having the Death Eaters and anyone supporting you at her disposal. If there were any romantic feeling about Alexander, they weren't healthy either.

"Don't worry, they won't get their way. I promise you thar, my love."

Just as Tom told you that, you saw Luna come over with Jane and might have been a bit extreme with your reaction but you didn't feel bad about it, not when their actions could cause so much pain to so many people.

"I know they won't. Because I'll make sure of it."

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