Chapter 61: Sticky situations Pt.2

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"You heard me Dolores!!!" You shouted, not caring as all of the students crouded around you, Minerva, Sybill and Dolores. Your cold glare had her trembling while Minerva was calming Sybill down. You had grabbed that woman and dragged her out of her office, throwing her in front of you so violently she had fallen to the ground after delivering a well deserved slap. She stood up and dusted herself, she now stood alone against many opponents and she hadn't been prepared to face them all at once.

"But professor, this is all for the sake of the students, the minister-"

"I couldn't care less for your excuses! You say Cornelius gave you the authurity to fire the professors of this school?! Then I think I should remind you MY authority and how that will end up for YOU!" 

"That is unreasonable, that woman is a fake!" Dolores defended herself and you grabbed the pappers that announced Sybill's dismissal and tore them to shreds. Then you leaned forward, the glare you had given Tom paled in comparison to the complete and utter hatred you had for the toad-like woman in front of you.

"I can ensure that you're the one being fired by the end of this week. I can also ensure that whatever job you get afterwards will be so humiliating and you will be treated worse than a rag." You hissed and she tried to return the glare but failed when Dumbledore came out.

"What is the meaning of this, Dolores?" He asked calmly but she was only looking at you.

"Nothing sir, miss Umbridge made a mistake, she wanted Sybill to get a small break, the poor woman is working so hard." You stated, not turning to look at the headmaster. He smiled, guessing what exactly had happened.

"I see."

"Mister Argus Filch, I would like your assistance." You called out and he came forth, his grim expression present. His pale eyes empty with a clear hint of disgust in them.

"What do you need?"

"Miss Umbridge is going to write down how professor Trelawney needs a small vacation, a week should be sufficient, that she is retiring as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, that whoever the minister sends will be examined by headmaster Dumbledore, me or another professor and  also about how squibs such as yourself that are so hardworking should have a small raise and perhaps a few free days to indulge in their own personal interests. I need you to oversee that she rights them as I speak them, that there are no double meanings behind her words and ensure that the letter is delivered to Cornelius Fudge. Can I count on you?" You asked and for the first time ever, everyone saw that grumpy man smile.

"What do I do if the letter isn't as you requested?"

"Tear it to shreds, burn it.... as long as the job is done and she still has her hands I care not for your methods. And do not pity her, if you believe you should be too strict, feel free to do so." You ordered and he nodded happily.

"I shall see to it, professor (Last Name)."

"Thank you, now everyone... please return to your classes." You requested and looked around at the students that were cheering for you. They were happy to have that harpy gone. Filch grabbed Umbridge and drugged her to her office after he was told by Dumbledore that he was free for the rest of the day. The second the two of them were out of sight Sybill run towards you and hugged you.

"Thank you, thank you so much (Name)!"

"As if I'd allow that imbecile fire you or anyone in this school." You huffed and Minerva smiled fondly.

"That woman was a true pain in the neck. We're lucky that you're around to put her in her place." She commented and you chuckled.

"That's nothing, Minerva. You can be sure that the minister will hear from me before Umbridge sends her letter. In there, I will repeat my words and ensure that if that woman doesn't do as I said... well, she is going to wish she had met the dark lord and not me." 

"I can't wait, it should entertaining." Minerva replied, you then turned to Sybill and smiled warmly.

"Now, no more tears... you have a whole bunch of students to teach. Minerva, please do tell the other teachers that if Umbridge is causing them trouble to come to me and inform me, Dumbledore will help but something tells me I am far more usefull when we have to deal with the ministry." You said and both nodded as you head back inside.

Meanwhile Voldemort was laughing, delighted at the news of what you had done. The fact that you hated someone more than him also cheered him up, he thanked Umbridge for becomming your most recent symbol of hatred. Lucius, who had heard the news from Draco, was also pleased, true the whole thing with the squibs wasn't to his liking but he could only see it as a strategic move since you placed a squib to watch over her. 

"That's my lovely (Name).... that was marvelous! She truly is one of a kind!" He praised and Bellatrix nodded, she was envious that yet again you were the one he praised, like he did every day, however she was also happy to see the ministry become a toy to the hands of one pureblood witch.

"What are we going to do now, my lord?" Lucius asked.

"We are going to wait. Revealing myself isn't in my best interest. Not when there is so much chaos that I can advantage of. Let Dumbledore and the ministry fight each other for a while."

"And about the Dark lady?"

"Untill she gives birth, I want everyone to be carefull. I will not forgive anyone who puts them in danger, also I want your son to be close to mine. He will inform you about everything regarding Alexander. Understood?" He ordered and everyone nodded.

"Yes, my lord." Lucius replied and left at once. Narcissa was waiting for him and upon hearing the news she was anxious, Alexander hadn't showed any signs of intense hatred towards Draco but she knew that he wouldn't really welcome him as a friend either.

"(Name) will help us, don't worry." Lucius assured, he didn't want to admit it but he really depended on you a lot, it was because you kept them close that Voldemort didn't attempt to hurt them, they were his eyes now that you were away and they alone could inform him about you. 

"I hope so... with all that's happening...."

"What are you thinking?"

"Her sister's birthday is coming up, Draco told me when he overheard Alexander and Harry Potter talk about it, her sister is with Sirius Black... she is pregnant with his child."

"Look at the bright side, my dear." Lucius argued and Narcissa looked at him confused.

"Which is?" 

"Two purebloods keeping their family's legacy alive." 

"That's not how they think and you know it." She responded with a small smile.

"Well, at least I hope we get an invitation, even if it means seeing those Weasleys again." 

"I'm sure she will try her best to make this event go by smoothly, now let's go and talk to Draco about the dark lord's order." She assured and the two walked away, hoping that you would protect them from Voldemort's fury as their loyalty had began to switch sides without them even knowing it.

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