Chapter 58: Power

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After that unpleasant visit from Dolores Umbridge, things were pretty normal. You would occasionally find gifts from the minister, they were sent to you and Alexander, as well as letters inviting you to various high class events which you turned down every time, knowing all too well there was a catch. 

The minister was scared of Dumbledore and his power and hoped that you would assist him in discovering what his plans were. In other words, the guy was delusional.

You were especially annoyed when you saw articles about Dumbledore AND Harry, claiming that they were liars. Even when summer came and you went to the human world his letters and nonsense did not stop... however, one day you received a gift from Umbridge which alerted you, you hadn't forgotten how she blushed over your son and how disgusting it was to see a woman like her having affections for a student.

 Alexander was also doing his own research on that woman, he had tracked down her mother and brother who were both muggles and had gotten the truth out of them, with Jenny's help. After that he tracked down Umbridge's father and he did the unthinkable, he used the Imperius Curse, her father had threatened to kill anyone Alexander had ever loved and so after making sure no one would ever learn of it, he used that unforgivable curse and had him sign an official document which proved that his statement about her origins was valid, he did that with all three of them since he planned on making sure Umbridge wouldn't appear before either of you again.

"Are you sure? This might lead to an open war." Harry warned as he walked along Alexander and Jane, behind them Dudley was making fun of them but was completely ignored. Harry knew Dudley had a crush on Jane and had attempted many times to look cool in front of her and failed miserably every single time, Jane was in fact in love with Neville Longbottom. She found him cute and funny, despite the fact that he wasn't a very good wizard. 

"I'm sure, it might be cruel and it might make me look a lot like that monster... but I have a feeling that Umbridge will be a lot of trouble for us in the future." He grumbled and suddenly everything around them seemed to turn cold... the atmosphere became sad and moody. Alexander glanced behind at Dudley who came running to them.

"Cut it out!" He shouted at him and Harry.

"It's not us you-"

Before Jenny could answer a dementor grabbed Dudley and another one came after Harry. All three brought out their wands, Alexander casting his patronus and stopping the dementor that went after Harry. Jane was about to free Dudley when a third dementor appeared and grabbed her neck. 

"Stop!" Alexander shouted as both he and Harry used their patronus, Harry saving Dudley and Alexander saving Jane. The dementors vanished as all three were now over Dudley... he was a mess.

"W-what happened?" A weak, female voice asked. As Alexander and Harry raised Dudley, they turned to see one of Harry's neighbours.

"I can't tell right now... we need to get Dudley back home." Harry insisted as they carried him back home, Jane being on high alert in case another dementor appeared. When they got home Dudley's parents were freaking out, it was only natural but all three of them found it extremely annoying. When they asked Dudley who had caused him the shock he pointed at all three of them and Jane scoffed.

"We should have left the dementor finish you off." She replied and uncle "Trash", as she liked to call Harry's uncle, spoke up.

"What the heck is a dementor?"

"They are the guardians of Azkaban." Petunia replied and everyone looked at her surprised.

"How would you know this? You've never been to the magic realm." Alexander noted and she frowned.

"I heard him... that awful boy tell her about it... many years ago." She muttured and Harry asked her if she meant his father but Alexander already knew that if she was reffering to James she would have a disgusted expression on, instead she seemed sad... flustered and awfully excited. He could only suspect it was a boy Lily Potter met during her youth, a childhood friend perhaps?

"It doesn't matter, Harry pack your things we're going to my place." Alexander stated but seconds later a letter came which said that they were going on a trial for using magic in the human realm, Harry's uncle was laughing at them but one sharp glare from Alexander made him shut it. 

Harry explained to them everything about Voldemort and his return, Vernon was about to kick him out when Petunia received a letter from Dumbledore while bringing Dudley chocolate as Jane told her it'd help Dudley a bit. She told her husband that they couldn't throw Harry out with tears in her eyes, Alexander went upstairs to pack Harry's things while Jane called you to inform you of what had happened.


Alexander's fears turned into reality sooner than he imagined, while being on trial you had already made sure that the minister would have no choice but to let the three kids go. 

It was easy really, when Umbridge had insisted it was impossible for someone from the ministry to have ordered the attack, you turned to Cornelius and suggested that he checked the memories of everyone that was inside the room himself, as proof of that. You proclaimed that words alone weren't enough and they had to be backed down with actions, in the kids defense the neighbour who had seen the four kids came and from her words it certainely seemed that a dementor indeed attacked, to top it all up you yourself pulled out a memory from Harry's mind, it showed their encounter with the dementor and that alone proved that the kids and Dumbledore were saying the truth. Cornelius did what you wanted, much to Umbridge's annoyance, and when she saw the sharp glare you gave her, she knew you were suspecting her. 

"Mother... what do you think Cornelius Fudge is going to do?" 

"He'll probably sent one of his lap dogs to keep an eye on us. And if I had to guess that toad is going to be the one."

"I still have my Basilisks." Alexander reminded with a huge grin and you smirked, he didn't really mean sending her to them but you'd be lying if you said you hated the idea of scarring that woman off.

"Maybe Bellatrix would be interested in hearing about Umbridge." A familiar voice interrupted, you all turned and saw Narcissa smilling warmly at you and Alexander. If she was here, that meant that the Malfoys were not pleased with that sorry excuse of a woman... you wondered why. There was definetely something you were not aware of here.

"Well, well, things are about to get interesting, huh?"

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