Chapter 77: Payback

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Dumbledore's death had taken a toll on your health, you hadn't been eating a lot, you barely spoke and cried constantly. Alexander's pain wasn't as obvious... he himself was sad, yet he knew that his headmaster would have died either way, due to the curse he already had. He didn't blame his father, it was expected that he would try to destroy one of the few people that could fight him one on one. 

Meanwhile Tom was searching for a way to make it up to you, he knew that Dumbledore's death was something that ruined your spirit... but he was positive that he could find a way to make you feel better. He only had to think for three minutes before an idea came to mind, he smirked and decided to put his new plan into action immediately. Summoning Fenfir, he ordered him to go and find you, he had been part of the attack that followed Dumbledore's death and had left many of his werewolves at the castle as Snape took over as the new headmaster.

"She's not going to be happy to see me." Fenfir argued and Tom scoffed.

"No one is ever happy to see a mutt like you." He commented and Fenfir rolled his eyes and left. Moments later Tom was shocked to see Draco Malfoy before him.

"Greetings, my lord." He greeted in a low, weak voice.

"Well, well, if it isn't Lucius's incompetent son. What is it that you want from me?" He asked coldly, still not happy to let the boy who had once bullied his son go on unpunished.

"I have a message from Alexander. He wants to meet you tonight." Draco announced and Tom smiled, to have his son over so fast was pleasant, though he wasn't sure what Alexander wanted.

"Then bring him here, make sure no one knows that he's gone." He ordered and Draco nodded before leaving, the boy was clearly trembling, he was clearly afraid of the dark lord but he was also angry with him. That man was supposed to finally free both wizards and witches that were purebloods from muggles and muggleborns... yet he seemed more eager to torture and destroy the lives of others rather than completing the task he had said he had in mind in the beginning.

Several hours past and Tom had ordered for dinner to be prepared for him and his son, even if Alexander wanted to fight, Tom would not turn his back on his son. He wouldn't do what his worthless father and grandfather had done to him, nor would he be as foolish as his mother, uncle and maternal grandfather. 

Suddenly a Death Eater came in and told him that you had also arrived with Alexander, making Tom smile and have one more plate added as he personally went to greet you both. Upon arriving he was suprised to see you cry, within seconds he came towards you and took your face in his hands, making you look at him. 

Your gaze held no hatred, no disgust for him, the only that he could see was an endless sorrow and a pain that only a soul as wonderful as you could ever endure... and he hated it. He hated Dumbledore for meaning so much to you when he had always stood in the way, when he had been first in line to keep you away from him. Dumbledore had been the first person to actually tell Tom what was wrong and what was right, the second person in his life that he was unable to deceive and the only man that could stand against Tom on his own.

"Tom... why did you have to kill him?" You asked, though you were in great pain, your voice came out strong and steady.

"Many reasons, my dear. One of them being his constant intereference between us and my plans. Besides, you must have also felt a little bit of hatred for him."

"Me? Why on earth would I ever hate Dumbledore? He was a very dear friend to me." 

"Oh, but if you think about it... he was the one who selected Harry Potter out of the many children that might had been born back then... he partially assisted in what happened." 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now