Chapter 48: The Return Pt. 1

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You watched over as all four students were underwater, with you already in there. You had transformed into an electric eel, much to your dismay, but the most important thing were the students, you saw something grab Fleur and were quick to react, bringing out your wand.

"Aguamenti." You casted and the water around you became a small ball and hit whatever grabbed her, Fleur turned to see who helped her and when she saw you she gasped.

"Lady (Name)?!" She exclaimed and before she could ask any questions you pointed your wand at her and whispered.

"Obliviate." With this, you were making sure her memories of you underwater were gone before you hid yourself again. 

However, it was then that you noticed that her time underwater was over, she swam back up before she was completely back to normal, you followed Cedric and Harry as they were the first to reach the students that were in a coma like state. 

The mermaids around you seemed to be at ease, probably because Jane had been rather attentive to them, they would come to the surface of the water and greet the young student who would share a snack or simply tell them how her day was, they were rare visits but it seemed to have an effect on them. 

You watched silently asCedric saved Cho, a student who according to Hermione, was Harry's current love interest, you looked at Hermione and Ron who were still in tied up, Harry tried to untie Hermione but a mermaid told him he could take only one. You were about to cast a spell and roast that mermaid when Victor Krum appeared, no one noticed but there was a faint red liquid behind him yet he had not even a scratch... so he probably killed whatever tried to stop him. He grabbed Hermione and took off in an instant. 

"That makes things a bit easier." Harry admitted but looked over at Fleur's sister, the poor girl would be her sister's undoing... well, you would make sure she got to the surface, naturally but... Fleur would be the last of the champions. Harry brought out his wand freeing the girl and Ron and began swimming to the surface as he was chased by marine life. You frowned, that wasn't how it was supposed to go, you brought you pointed your wand up and shouted.


Over and over you kept making anything that came close to Harry become extremely slow, after he was out of the water you yourself left and went a bit further from where the champions were, Jenny and Anne were waiting for you there with a towel and something warm to drink.

"Looks like everything went well." Anne commented with a smile.

"So who's first? Victor or Cedric?" You asked and Jenny smiled.

"Cedric's first, then Harry, then Victor and last is Fleur."

"The poor girl... she must have been scared to death for her sister." You sighed and both nodded. You returned to Hogwarts where you stayed in your office with an awfull headache. A knock on the door made you groan in annoyance.

"Mom, it's me."

"Come in, Alexander." You responded and he came in holding two letters. You raised an eyebrow but took them both and opened the first one.

 Dear sister

I am sure you remember how excited I was when Alexander was born, my sweet nefew was a real angel... now I wish you are as happy as I am for you will soon become an aunt and I will become a mother. Sirius is as happy as I am... at last there will be new blood for both our family and the Blacks... I do hope I can count on your help. I promise to visit soon.



"What is it mother? Why are you smilling?"

"Kathrine is pregnant!" You exclaimed and Alexander smilled.

"That's wonderfull!!! I have to tell Harry!!!" He cheered but did not move, his eyes on the second letter. You opened it and began reading, terrified as your eyes moved through each and every word.

My most beloved (Name)

I do apologize for not writing to you sooner but I am in the care of an useless coward. Still I am happy to announce to you that I will soon be back and this time, I will make sure there will be nothing you can do to escape, this time no one but me shall have you.... and I will also have our son with me, you both belong to me... besides I think he might enjoy the idea of having a baby sister or a baby brother some time soon. What about you?

Looking forward to our meeting

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"He thinks he can scare me with this?" You hissed and Alexander took the letter and tore it apart, not bothering to see what it contained, it was from his father and that was enough knowledge for him.

"Are you sure you want to keep your agreement with Narcissa?"

"Yes, she only does what she does for her son. We may not like the boy but he is still an innocent child, letting Tom get them and make them suffer is far too cruel for me..." 

"But you don't want to see him, you don't want to face him, mom."

"True... but the deal was that they'd only get me to him... I never said I'd stay."

"What if he tries some of his old tricks? Like saying he'll kill Harry or Jane?"

"He's not going to spare Harry, not after what happened that night. But I can at least make sure he hunts me down more serioursly than the poor child...." 

"You mean hunt you down again, he did it once already."

"Then all the more reason for me to stop being a chicken and talk to him... it's also about time that you face him... that incident on the Chamber of Secrets might be nothing compared to what awaits us."

"He can torture me if he wants, I will never let that man be happy just as he never let you be happy!"

"Don't try to hurt him for me, I was able to surpass my past... you should too." You advised and stood up, you opened your arms and embraced your son, him returning the hug, his gaze fell on the torn letter, maybe it was about time for him to face his father after all... one way or another lord Voldemort was coming back and he was after them both.

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